Thomas Wictor

Archive for June, 2014

Which is alienating to you, virtuosity or mediocrity?

At a Website run by a conservative Christian guy I know, one of the ads was titled “Celebrities Who Go Topless for the Sake of Art.” Of course I had to click the link, being a fan of both toplessness and art. The Web page was interesting for lots of reasons, the main one being…


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Calm down and and watch Gary

Today the Supreme Court decided on Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services [HHS] et al v Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. et al. The histrionics over the decision is really beyond moronic, but it’s sadly what I’ve come to expect from our increasingly juvenile, teeth-gnashing, pop-eyed-with-rage culture. All I want to say is calm down…


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In opposition to the thundering herd

Sometimes it’s hard to remain optimistic. It seems like everyone is in a race to the bottom. What I’ve discovered about myself is that the worse people behave, the more import it is for me to stand against the thundering herd. I refuse to adopt the attitude of Charles Oakley, the murderer in Alfred Hitchcock’s…


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What’s with guys named Tim Murray?

A story about a Republican congressional candidate named Tim Murray caught my attention. Tim is contesting the June 24 primary election for Oklahoma’s Third District. The winner was Representative Frank Lucas, a twenty-year incumbent who got 82 percent of the vote. I’ll let the Honorable Tim Murray explain in his own words why he’s contesting…


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Night Raid: Screenplay for a short war movie

I’m very critical of movies. Might as well put my money where my mouth is. Here’s a screenplay for a short war movie titled Night Raid. I wrote it this morning. It’s my first-ever screenplay. Night Raid FADE IN 1. EXT. THE WESTERN FRONT. TITLE READS “1917” - NIGHT We see the devastated, shell-pocked landscape,…


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Not a movie I want to see

My favorite art form is film. Nothing entertains me like a great movie. I’m not even picky about what I like. What I can’t stand is ham-handedness. That’s why the upcoming Brad Pitt extravaganza Fury is not a movie I want to see. Here’s the trailer. The film is about a worthy subject: In World…


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Call a doctor! She’s having an allergic reaction!

The uncensored version of the video for “Blurred Lines” made an overnight star out of Emily Ratajkowski, the brunette. She was the first woman in the history of the human race to publicly bare her breasts. Now she’s on the cover of GQ. What struck me about her affect in “Blurred Lines”—yes, I was looking…


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But what does it say about YOU?

Yesterday I changed. Permanently. It’s neither a good nor a bad change. However, it was necessary. I didn’t intend to change; June 23, 2014, was going to be just another day. But something happened that set in motion a whole series of thoughts and conclusions, and by nightfall I was a different person. I would…


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Don’t BE a tool; USE your tools

Our press is absolutely worthless. Journalists are partisan hacks, but even worse than that, they’re lazy, credulous fools. Don’t let them influence your worldview. There are tons of tools you can use to painlessly disprove the lies and fantasies we’re being fed. Something called The Blaze recently posted a piece titled “See the Quintessentially American…


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Hey. What’s the game?

In July of 2011, my neighbor came close to dying. He’s a morbidly obese man whose wife hasn’t been out of the house in five years. The last time we saw her, she was walking down the sidewalk to the ice-cream truck. Her stomach was like a frozen waterfall, hanging down past her knees. She…


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