Thomas Wictor

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Truth in advertising

The person I’m going to make famous offered several promises. He guaranteed personalized attention to me and my project. And how! He read absolutely everything I wrote. At the time I thought it was because he liked my writing. He may indeed like it. Psychopaths turn their empathy on and off at will. They can…


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From writer to publicist

I’ve never made a New Year’s resolution. Well, 2014 is different. My resolution is to make someone famous. Not just anyone; a specific someone. I’m going from writer to publicist. Though I always wanted to be a writer—a professional writer whose work sold—I don’t think it’ll happen. My experiences with Ghosts and Ballyhoo show that…


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Paint it red

One of my favorite movies is The Cowboys, starring John Wayne. Those of you who think he’s a bad actor are idiots. Sorry. I can’t sugarcoat anything anymore. Stop relying on what others have told you and think for yourself. Wayne acts mostly with his face, not his voice or body. He was a master,…


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They looked but there was none to save

When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid; The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me; In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did…


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Off to a rousing start

I said that 2014 couldn’t possibly be worse than 2013. Well, maybe I spoke too soon. The year is off to a rousing start that doesn’t bode well for me personally, but it’s sure to provide loads of entertainment for you. The full extent of the scam pulled on me has come to light. I’ve…


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Kurt Vonnegut’s sister died of cancer. The day before her death, her husband was killed in a train accident. When she was told, she laughed and said, “Slapstick!” I’ve just discovered that I’ve been mercilessly scammed for months. The scammers targeted someone who’s housebound with an incurable illness that’s getting worse. Not only that, they…


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I’ll tell you why everyone is getting naked

I just read a piece titled, “Why is Everyone Getting Naked? Rashida Jones on the Pornification of Everything.” In it, actress, writer, producer, and jewelry designer Rashida Jones expresses bewilderment and dismay over what she calls the “Year of the Very Visible Vagina.” This fall I was hanging out with my sisters, catching up on…


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Surveillance by supporters of terrorism

I’m under government surveillance. We all are, according to Edward Snowden, but Tim and I are under direct surveillance. How do we know? Because we hear clicks and weird sounds—including voices—on our phones. Now, before you dismiss me as a lunatic, there are several reasons why the government would want to put Tim and me…


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The Carmen Suite

I found a YouTube video I’d seen in 2007, the URL of which I saved. That was three computers and two hard-drive crashes ago. The URL vanished somewhere among my many desktop files, and I could never find the video again. Though I tried every possible search term, I came up empty. Then one day…


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A big blog takes note

My post “I used to be a journalist” was picked up by Power Line. It’s currently at the top left of the page, under “Picks.” Now, this might anger a lot of you because you don’t like Power Line. Well, if the post were picked up by a big left-leaning blog, I’m betting you’d be…


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