Thomas Wictor

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Of course you know this means war.

The U.S. Postal Service has stolen another irreplaceable postcard. As my Aussie pal Butters told me, that was a real show stopper. Probably a grenadier of Assault Battalion No. 5 (Rohr). The sleeve badge is remarkable. The card was stolen in New York. This means war. I spent the morning changing all my bills to…


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That which was lost has been found

In 1975, when we moved from Tyler, Texas, to Rijswijk, the Netherlands, we had to put much of our furniture and possessions in storage. Most of the rental homes in the Netherlands were furnished. We rented a storage facility, had our things packed up, and flew off to Holland. When we moved to Stavanger, Norway,…


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An unexpected un-ghosting

After Mom’s funeral and the reception, I heard car doors slam in the driveway of what I should start calling Tim’s house. Since I wasn’t able to attend the service, I went over to talk with Tim, Paul, and Eric to find out how it went. There was a very expensive imported car parked in…


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They could not box her in

It wasn’t possible to classify Mom. I know how she voted, but voting is secret in our republic. She and I discussed politics daily during the last two years of her life. Still, I won’t reveal her political views. What I can say is that regardless of how she voted, she couldn’t be placed in…


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Paging Doctor Freud

Just kidding. I know exactly what this dream means. Paging Doctor Freud would just annoy him, since it’s so easy to work out what’s going on. I drove down the freeway at night, my first road trip since 2002. The car was my brown, 1980 Toyota Corolla, which had been destroyed when Persian gangbangers doing…


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I like faces

Whether they’re real or not, I like faces. I see them everywhere. Years ago I planned to publish a book called Accidental Faces or something similar. I still might do it, but for now, here are some accidental, contrived, and real faces. This is a universal plug that Eric brought from the Netherlands. It represents…


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A note to prospective burglars

One of the cute little tricks burglars use is to read obituaries and then hit the house when the owners are attending the funeral and reception. Couple of points I’d like to make. One: I can’t attend Mom’s funeral and reception. I’m going to be home. The Meniere’s is getting worse, either permanently or situationally,…


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The Golden State!

If by “golden” you mean “overrun with self-obsessed hogs,” then I agree with you. Tomorrow the garbage is picked up. I have to put out my garbage cans. Every Wednesday night, my neighbor parks his enormous, stygian, rumbling, three-mile-per-gallon, penis-substitute truck exactly in the center of the space between my driveway and Tim’s. This means…


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Do your worst

Today I was told of another massive flaw in my Website. It means I was lied to yet again. Corners were cut and I was patted on the head, told, “Yes-yes-yes. Good little Tommy. Bye-bye,” and sent on my way after the final payment was made. That’s okay. My publicists are helping me overcome this…


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This old man says thanks but no thanks

Apparently this ad is real. Susie and Nate: Hot to trot…Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers. But how could anyone resist you, Susie? Nate’s already yours. See how he’s playing…


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