Thomas Wictor

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Not a chance

I got a message. You’re too young to write your memoirs. Feels like a suicide note saying, “Thank you world and fuck you.” Well, I wrote the memoir because readers forced me to. No, that’s only partially true. Readers of did demand that I write a book, but the truth is that I wanted…


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Why I no longer hate

It’s easy to hate. Look around at the arrogance, deceit, corruption, and criminality you see every single day. Listen to the cretins on the radio. Read Tweets from obscenely wealthy celebrities who take your money and in return wish death on you because you don’t share their opinions. Growing up, I hated my father and…


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Stand fast

“Stand fast!” was the war cry of Scottish troops. It means don’t give up. Don’t surrender. Be resolute. Be unyielding in your principles. The more I see people compromise their morals and standards, the more determined I am to stand fast. Someday I’ll write extensively about this period in my life. The temptation to give…


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We scream the body electric

There’s something about my family and electricity. For one thing, Tim, our sister Carrie, and I are SLIders. Street light interference (SLI) phenomenon may or may not exist. I’m agnostic about whether it’s real, but Tim, Carrie, and I began noticing during our childhood that an awful lot of street lights went out right as…


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A letter to David Shiner and Bill Irwin

Dear Messers. Shiner and Irwin: I want to thank you for your show Fool Moon, which I saw at the James A. Doolittle Theatre in Los Angeles, January 26, 1994. With me were my brother Tim and my mother Cecilia, CeeCee to her friends. I heard about the show on the radio, and on a…


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Gratitude illustrated

I talk a lot about gratitude being the key to how I achieved permanent happiness. What I mean is being grateful for even the smallest dollop of decency, beauty, kindness, love, friendship, fortune, accolade, and any other positivity I’ve left out. In 2000 I drove across the country to meet a young woman with whom…


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No reason to be afraid

When I lived in Stavanger, one of my friends told me about two abandoned ocean liners moored on the island of Sølyst, near the city. You had to cross the Bybrua—a bridge—to get to them. I think this photo shows on the upper left where the liners were. That may even be them. Who knows?…


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Romanian proverb

Sometimes we all feel a little Romanian. Here’s one of their proverbs: Protect me, Lord, from my friends. As for my enemies, I will take care of them myself. Once upon a time, in an abandoned Soviet embassy… Hard to believe that was almost thirty years ago. Some of my most indelible memories involve nocturnal…


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I’m not evangelical

My purpose in writing is to banish my own crap and entertain you. But. Lots of people are in the same boat as me, problems-wise, so it makes sense for me to mention successes that may help fellow sufferers. Currently, there’s a backlash against psychotropic medication. What I hear lots of people say is that…


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Shocked? Not in the least

I’m the opposite of shocked. What did you think she was trying to say with all this? That she’s happy, of sound mind, and serene? Her expression in the last photo tells you all you need to know. The painter Egon Schiele said, “Everything is dead while it lives.” Not everything, just those in certain…


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