Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Careerlet’ Category

A post I’ve been told to not write, Part One

I’ve been told to not write this, but I’m going to anyway. I think it’s important that a misconception be addressed, and I also don’t like the direction our country is heading. I’ve been there, and you’re not going to like what you’re helping create. When I say it’s important to address a misconception, I…


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A post I’ve been told to not write, Part Two

My economic history cont. To satisfy the gods of SEO, I must write “not write.” Having done so, back to my résumé. In January of 1992, I sent a proposal for an article to Jim Roberts, the editor of Bass Player. He accepted it, and it was published as “The Bass Gods of Japan” in…


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Things I never considered, part 80 trillion

I just got an e-mail that prompts me to post about something I never considered. It was a long message full of instructions on how I should change the way I write and live. I’ll address just one point because in our current culture, the classes are pitted against each other, and I don’t want…


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A squall

I had a very strange experience last night: a squall of uncontrollable emotion. It shows that things are always in flux. I guess I’ve buried some aspects of my life instead of accepting and incorporating them. The work must continue. After I take my nightly meds, I watch YouTube videos for a while, until I’m…


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Talking points for Ghosts and Ballyhoo

Since I’ve accepted that Ghosts and Ballyhoo can no longer be professionally marketed, I may as well explain what I did to try and publicize it. The overwhelming majority of radio hosts don’t read the books that their guests have written. I had to prepare talking points so that they could fake it. Mike Albee…


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Today I made a decision

It hit me today: The Ghosts Trilogy is dead. I won’t be able to find another publicist. That’s why I made the decision to give away books in exchange for reviews. For those of you who aren’t writers, let me explain something: Writing is a life of groveling. You grovel to agents, you grovel to…


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Cautionary tales always become manuals. And win free e-books!

I just read an article titled “Ten Things Idiocracy Predicted Would Happen, and Sadly Already Have.” Though I haven’t seen Idiocracy, I’m not surprised. Cautionary tales always become manuals. This phenomenon is not new. And win free e-books by answering a question! I’ll tell you how later. In 1941 Budd Schulberg published a novel titled…


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The spiders demand it. And win free e-books!

I’ve been reading a lot about the dissatisfaction with the really dumb decisions Facebook is making. Let me tell you why we need Facebook. Or at least why some of us need Facebook: The spiders demand it. And win free e-books! You can benefit from my absolutely horrible experiences over the past year and half….


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A new beginning and free e-books!

Today I sent out forty review copies of Chasing the Last Whale and Hallucinabulia: the Dream Diary of an Unintended Solitarian. It’s a new beginning! I’m also going to give away ten free Kindle versions of each book. I’ll tell you how you can win it in a second. If you like either or both…


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Power is an addiction

After Scott Thunes alerted me that Mike Albee was a fraud, I began trying to teach myself as much as I could about creating my online presence. My Meniere’s disease prevents me from making appearances or doing book tours. Now I’m up to my neck in social media and online marketing. I’ve discovered that the…


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