Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Me’ Category

If you’re panicking, don’t contact me

I make my living as an investor. It’s hard because some people are happy only if they’re panicking. They sell at the slightest hint of…well, anything. Because of these unreachable, inconsolable morons, I suffer massive paper losses. A month later, I’ve earned it all back. The panicking is completely irrational. My father’s hobby was panicking….


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What they want is your despair

Last night I read a life-changing essay called “Isaiah’s Job,” by Arthur Jay Nock. It explained to me why I have the urge to keep on blogging in defense of Israel. To be frank, defending Israel is incredibly unpleasant due to endless personal attacks from Jew-haters. It’s also expensive. I’m using special technology designed for…


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He explains me much better than I can

I just came across the essay “Isaiah’s Job,” by Albert Jay Nock (October 13, 2023 - August 19, 2023). Nock was an author, an educational theorist, and a social critic. He explains me far better than I ever could. After reading his essay, I now know what my purpose is. First, Mr. Nock. I like…


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My latest acquisitions

I can’t post tonight for a variety of reasons. Mainly, I’ve had to spend the evening with my cats, who are terrified of the skyrockets that my slobbering, obese, mentally subpar neighbors have begun shooting off. My neighbors buy illegal Mexican municipal-level fireworks that are fired with mortars, so you hear a loud bang, three…


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Confessions of a food photographer

I was never a food photographer, but I knew one. He told me all the secrets of the trade. To me it was like talking to an alchemist, magician, and spy all rolled into one. He couldn’t understand why I found his job so fascinating. One confession of my own that I’ll make up front…


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Angel of death, angel of mercy

A short post tonight. I’ve remembered that which I’d blocked out all my life. It was time, apparently, because remembering hasn’t destroyed me. Instead, it’s explained everything, including my lifelong fascination with the Angel of Death. I’d always loved Saint Michael the Archangel. I’m not religious, so it might seem strange that one of my…


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The first step is the hardest

Today is a milestone. I took the first step in my recovery from the past two years. Finally I went on a long walk. A physical-exercise walk, up steep hills. I’ll do this six days a week, the way I did before January 16, 2013, the day my parents told me that they had cancer….


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What if YOU were the murder victim?

Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death for his role in the Boston Marathon bombings of April 15, 2013. People on Twitter told me that they oppose the death penalty because it’s immoral. Opposition to the death penalty is perfectly legitimate for a variety of reasons, but if you think capital punishment is immoral, then…


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How social media benefits us

I have my problems with social media. A lot of completely insane people contact me and either make threats or waste my time. Today a man gave me a tremendous gift. He allowed me to see a face I’ve wondered about for forty years. I can’t begin to thank this man. When I was ten…


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