Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Mike Albee’ Category

The bacon saver

On September 16, 2000, I visited Scott and Georgia Thunes in the Bay Area to collect photos for In Cold Sweat: Interviews with Really Scary Musicians. We had a really nice time. I took a few photos. Here’s Scott’s one-woman Praetorian Guard, his wife Georgia. I’d won her over by then. She designed my Website,…


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Stop being stupid

I’m not religious. However, I am a theist. That means I believe in a deity who cares about us and helps us endure the vicissitudes of life. If you’re not a theist, I don’t think any less of you. This is something we all have to decide for ourselves. I would never try to convince…


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Excised Snippet Number Four

This is the fourth passage from my novel Invisible Idiot, which became Chasing the Last Whale, Volume Two of the Ghosts Trilogy. It was necessary to remove these scenes, but since I like them, I’m publishing them here when I get the urge. Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity—who defrauded me of $40,000…


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Listen only to yourself

Yesterday I saw a video about two close friends named Erik Fitzgerald and Matt Swatzell. Actually, I watched only part of the video. I knew the second it started what it would be about: One man killed a loved one of the other man, and now the two are friends. And that’s precisely the story….


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Mike Albee is a proven fraud

Well, I was wrong. Earlier I said PayPal doesn’t get involved in disputes over services. From July 5, 2013, to January 7, 2014, Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity defrauded me of $40,000 by exploiting my mental-health issues and the suicides of my parents. Today, PayPal refunded me $9000. I provided PayPal with…


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Beware of Magnus Publicity

UPDATE: Sandpiper Publicity’s Website is back up. That means my campaigns against both Sandpiper and Magnus continue. If a single man is amazing, another must be reduced. —Chinese spambot * * * Now that Mike Albee has closed down Sandpiper Publicity, it remains for me to get the word out on his second fake company,…


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Mike Albee heads for the hills

UPDATE: Now Sandpiper Publicity’s Website is back up. Since this was a fun post to write, I’ll leave it up too. * * * Mike Albee has taken down the website for Sandpiper Publicity. When things get too hot for Mike and his lovely wife Lura Dold, they close up shop. But he’ll be back….


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There is no wrong decision

A fellow defrauded author contacted me about his experiences with Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity, who scammed me of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents in 2013. I just sent off two e-mails to what I’m sure will be interested parties. Another person pointed out that Shannon Bromham—who loved me…


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An age of wonderment

Scott Thunes is in the hospital. His situation isn’t to be minimized. However, he picked one of the best times in history to have a significant health issue. We live in an age of wonderment. In the last two decades, the global poverty rate had been cut in half. It appears that the trend will…


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Gratitude for Mister Thunes

Scott Thunes is in the hospital. He has a preliminary diagnosis of unstable angina, a treatable condition. After he comes home, he’ll have to make some changes. People rarely discuss the healing power of gratitude. I understand why: It’s not emphasized in our culture. We’re taught to say, “Thank you,” but as we grow up,…


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