Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

Night Raid: Screenplay for a short war movie

I’m very critical of movies. Might as well put my money where my mouth is. Here’s a screenplay for a short war movie titled Night Raid. I wrote it this morning. It’s my first-ever screenplay. Night Raid FADE IN 1. EXT. THE WESTERN FRONT. TITLE READS “1917” - NIGHT We see the devastated, shell-pocked landscape,…


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Not a movie I want to see

My favorite art form is film. Nothing entertains me like a great movie. I’m not even picky about what I like. What I can’t stand is ham-handedness. That’s why the upcoming Brad Pitt extravaganza Fury is not a movie I want to see. Here’s the trailer. The film is about a worthy subject: In World…


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The D-Day movie to watch

Today is the seventieth anniversary of the Allied invasion of Europe. If you’re in the mood, I’d like to recommend a D-Day movie. The reason it’s so great is that it’s a deeply serious, low-key look at the decision to launch an operation that would cost untold numbers of lives. In case you don’t know,…


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The snakes are loose

One of my all-time favorite films is Crossfire. It’s got everything I love in art: surreality, beautiful women who break your heart, insane authority figures always on the edge of violence, the sense of everything spinning out of control, and fantastic writing: “The snakes are loose.” The story is about homicidal bigotry, but that’s not…


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Not a fan of in-jokes

I’m a movie fanatic. Instead of watching them, I experience them. So when I see a cutesy in-joke intended to show a tiny group of self-described hipsters how cool they are, it breaks the spell and pisses me off. The most famous Hollywood in-joke is the “Wilhelm scream.” Somebody made a compilation of films in…


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It takes more than that to scare me

This short film has been getting a lot of buzz. It’s called Lights Out and is only 128 seconds long. Some people have said it’s the most frightening movie ever made. It takes more to scare me, but I’ll let you be the judge. Personally I wasn’t scared at all. I didn’t even flinch. You…


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They made movies about my life

Well, I don’t mean that someone actually based their movies on me. But there are several films that parallel my experiences so perfectly that it’s eerie. I’m sure you’ve had the same feeling. They made movies about my life, but they made them about yours too. Another caveat is that the two movies I’m going…


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Too close to home

Today I gave my first radio interview about how Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity scammed me of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents. I used their names on the air, I identified their company, and I briefly described how it was done. This is just the beginning. Mike and Lura…


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Fraud is the new normal

I hate fakery. When I was in college, a guy on my dorm floor overturned his BMW as he tried to pull into the parking lot. He ended up in a ditch, upside down. A tow truck was called, and his Beemer was removed. He and I were not exactly friends, but we spent a…


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White privilege in action

I haven’t seen Lone Survivor, the movie about former US Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. But I read LA Weekly film critic Amy Nicholson’s review of it. In her review, Nicholson says the following. As the film portrays them, their attitudes to the incredibly complex War on Terror, fought hillside by bloody hillside in the Afghan…


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