Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Mystery is important

The possibility of life after death has been on my mind since I was six years old, when I first understood what death was, and I realized that someday I’d die. There were periods in which I couldn’t bear to think about it because I couldn’t accept either the possibility of eternal life or the…


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Preach it, Gene Simmons!

I don’t have anything to say about Gene Simmons’s personal life. I did watch his reality show for a season, the one in which his children confronted him with his failings. I’ve also seen the episode where he went to Israel to meet his half-siblings and visit his father’s grave. To me he made a…


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Pat Wictor the folk singer

Though my brother Pat Wictor calls himself a folk singer, he’s a lot more. Probably a roots-music singer, I guess. He was once my little brother, but that doesn’t mean much anymore. I know a lot of families retain the “older-younger” dynamic, but when you get into your fifties (Pat’s not there yet!) that’s kind…


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My first act of music journalism since 2002

My first act of music journalism since 2002 was completed with Scott Thunes, of course. I enjoyed it thoroughly. An excerpt: I used to be a music journalist. It was the best job I ever had, and I loved it. Unfortunately for me, it didn’t work out. A combination of factors—mainly my own problem with…


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My First Interview

Meaning the first time I was ever interviewed. Bass Musician Magazine did the honors. Here’s an excerpt: In less than a year after he first appeared from out of nowhere on the forum, Wictor’s book Ghosts And Ballyhoo: Memoirs Of A Failed L.A. Music Journalist was released. It seemed that Tom’s fateful career at BP…


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