Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Weirdness’ Category


My nausea prevents me from posting tonight. All the behind-the-scenes folderol having to do with my documentary—Operation Four Little Martyrs: A Hamas Deception that Fooled the World—has wiped me out. Stress is the worst thing for Meniere’s disease. It’s what exacerbates the symptoms more than anything. Every book I published relied on the cooperation of…


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Confessions of a food photographer

I was never a food photographer, but I knew one. He told me all the secrets of the trade. To me it was like talking to an alchemist, magician, and spy all rolled into one. He couldn’t understand why I found his job so fascinating. One confession of my own that I’ll make up front…


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A prisoner who refused

I once saw a World War I postcard that I wished desperately I had in my collection. Today my own original copy arrived. It shows a prisoner of war who refused to play by the rules. Here’s the image. German officers are interrogating French prisoners of war. The uniforms of the Germans show that the…


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A recycled post because I’m pooped

My whole lower body hurts, and I’m pooped. Plumb tuckered out. My second day of exercising has turned me into a shell of a man. I’m about to go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day as I prepare for the release of the two Pierre Rehov documentaries and the making of a third film…


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How social media benefits us

I have my problems with social media. A lot of completely insane people contact me and either make threats or waste my time. Today a man gave me a tremendous gift. He allowed me to see a face I’ve wondered about for forty years. I can’t begin to thank this man. When I was ten…


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Memento mori

A memento mori is a work of art that reminds the viewer that we all die. Over the past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about death, most likely because of the threats I get. The level of physical danger I face isn’t clear, but I live as though every second could be my…


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Not conspiracy theories: mysteries

I’ve said before that I don’t believe in the classic conspiracy theories. None of them survive the Snowden Test. If there were giant secret operations being carried out by thousands of people, at least one of them would’ve provided irrefutable evidence by now. Edward Snowden doesn’t even have a high-school diploma, but he penetrated the…


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Signs. Or not.

Since my parents died in 2013, a lot of really bizarre stuff has happened to me. Being in such close proximity to death for such a long time changed my perceptions. At least, that’s what I tell myself. What I used to think was weirdness I now accept as perfectly natural. In fact I no…


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Death to memes

Back when I was trying to be an author, my fake publicists opened a Twitter account for me. The publishing industry is full of stories about authors selling a million copies of their books by using social media. I’d looked at Twitter before July of 2013—that’s when I hired the fake publicists—and decided it wasn’t…


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