Thomas Wictor

Mike Albee was warned

Mike Albee was warned

When I found out on January 7, 2014, that Mike Albe and Lura Dold of the fake agency Sandpiper Publicity had defrauded me of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents in 2013, I offered Mike the opportunity to reimburse me. He never responded.

PayPal refunded me $9000 after I provided them with incontrovertible proof that Mike and Lura are frauds and grifters.

Now it’s time to expose more of Mike and Lura’s fakery. Before I do that, here’s why they scam people. It’s exactly what I figured: They live far beyond their means.

Mike’s Facebook page.


The good life, boating on Lake Sonoma.

Photos from Mike’s Facebook page include his house and “Beemer.”


Expensive vacations. Mike and Lura are on the left.


A trip to Alaska.


It’s the typical nouveau riche conspicuous consumption that ruins the lives of hogs with no taste or imagination. Mike and Lura put their feet in tubs of cement, let it harden, and then jumped into Lake Sonoma. Well, that’s their problem, not mine. I’ve now spoken to four people they’ve defrauded. My Website is becoming a beacon for Mike and Lura’s victims.

None of those people deserved to suffer because Mike and Lura are greedy, boastful, vacuous slobs whose empty heads are filled with stale imagery from movies and TV shows.

Before I post the latest info, I need to say that Mike Albee was warned. Now, I’m warning him again.

Mike, since my parents died, I’ve learned things about them and myself that make what I told you seem like a visit to Disneyland. You can’t even begin to comprehend the depths I’ve plumbed. I literally have nothing more to lose. It’s a twilight life. I fear nothing and nobody. Really. You’ve been very stupid. As you scramble to pay your bills, you’re in survival mode. That—along with your drinking—has clouded your mind.

I, on the other hand, have never been more clearheaded. So don’t do anything even stupider. You won’t believe what I just found out about my father. And you won’t want to find out. You worked very hard for this outcome. Don’t compound your terrible choice by interfering with me in any way. You earned this. If you want to earn even more, I’ll be very glad to oblige you.

So: Mike Albee’s other ventures, all of which are fraudulent.

Magnus Book Trailers.

Moon and Stars Productions.

Edge of Insanity.

How do I know these are Mike Albee’s companies? Well, if you put the domain names into this site, it’ll tell you. I didn’t really need to do it for Moon and Stars Productions, because two of my book trailers are in the gallery.


A seriously stupid man, Mike Albee. If you go to the “About” page of Moon and Stars Productions, it says this.


That’s a lie. Moon and Stars Productions was created January 31, 2o14. It’s been in business a month, not five years.


The domain owner for Moon and Stars Productions and Magnus Book Trailers is as follows.

Mike Albee
The Baby Guys
2490 Murdock Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 843-3066

Here’s a Google street view of 2490 Murdock Drive, Santa Rosa.


Now, this may be someone else’s house that Mike used when he registered his domain names. If so, the real owners can contact me, and I’ll take down the address and photo. I was told that Mike and Lura used 223 Zinfandel Road, Healdsburg, CA, 95448, as a drop box for their mail. No idea. I contacted the Healdsburg Police Department, but they never responded.

Officer Steve Moore had better things to do than help me. I’m sure you’ve been reading about the open gang warfare, child prostitution, mass shootings, and arson epidemic in Healdsburg.

To the entire world: Do not, under any circumstances, hire or work with Sandpiper Publicity, Magnus Publicity, Magnus Book Trailers, or Moon and Stars Productions. They will steal your money, or they will refuse to pay you for the work you do.

If these ventures become reality, do not, under any circumstances hire or work with them.

Dance Into the Fire.

Edge of Insanity.

Simple Lessons for Lead Guitar.

Disability Advice.

These are all registered to Mike Albee and The Baby Guys. Mike Albee and Lura Dold are crooks, liars, and predators. One of Albee’s victims told me how Albee scammed this person, and it comes pretty near to matching my own experience. Mike Albee and Lura Dold are parents of small children, yet they’re conscienceless animals who inflict lasting harm on those as innocent as the Albee offspring.

I’m willing to be the face and voice of every person that Mike Albee and Lura Dold have victimized. Send me your stories. We’re all in this together. I promise you absolute anonymity. It’s not necessary for you to speak publicly.

Here’s what you need to understand: IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. You took these merciless criminals at their word. I know exactly how convincing they can be. You are under no obligation to come forward. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t want to go public. I’ll do all the talking, since I have nothing to lose. Also, if anything happens to me, the repercussions to Mike Albee and Lura Dold will be…indescribable. Really.

Listen, Mike and Lura: You have no idea how lucky you are. As long as I’m left alone to continue my exposure of your work, you’ll continue to be lucky. If I’m no longer here, I can’t bring my influence to bear.

Mike, you read Ghosts and Ballyhoo. You remember how frightening, unforgiving, and implacable Tim is. Well, Tim is a teddy bear compared to others whose existence was hidden from me. That’s all I’ll say.

Today a very nice person expressed concern for my safety as I continue my mission to expose Mike Albee and Lura Dold. It moved me very much. To that person, I want to let you know that speaking to you strengthened my resolve. Thank you.

And please don’t worry about me. I fear no evil. Photo by Tim Wictor.


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