Thomas Wictor

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Identity politics will completely destroy us

Americans have no idea how bad things can get, but they’re determined to find out. I was born in Venezuela, and I lived in the Netherlands, Norway, Britain, and Japan. We’re adopting everything dysfunctional from those cultures. The worst is identity politics. I’m neither conservative nor liberal. In this election cycle I support Donald Trump,…


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Xenophobia or realism? I know what I think

All hell is breaking loose in Europe. Initially, the charge of xenophobia was hurled at those who said that Muslim migrants wouldn’t assimilate into the mainstream cultures. Then many of the migrants began proving that they were indeed not interested in assimilating. 01/02/2024 – STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Junior rapist escaped detention A 16 year old…


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Houdini would be very proud of my damn cats

I’m not an animal lover. In fact, I never acquired pets until last year. I was given a choice: Let two kittens die, take them to the pound to be euthanized, or adopt them. Since I’d spent all of 2013 dancing with death, I adopted the cats. They were about seven months old, so the…


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Context: Here’s how “civilized” westerners used to fight

While we wait to see what’ll happen in Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East, here’s some context for the fighting. In five years, about 250,000 have been killed in the Syrian civil war. In comparison, from February to December of 1916, over 300,000 combatants were killed in the Battle of Verdun. Nobody’s…


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Believe nothing you’re hearing about Syria

Let me reiterate: Everything I say in my posts is speculation based almost entirely on knowledge of munitions, weapons, military training, and the ways in which armed forces fight. You don’t have to believe a word I write. On the other hand, I recommend that you also not believe a word that you’re hearing from…


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Arrogance blinds even the smartest people to reality

I’ve always been a patriotic American. Our nation’s ideals are truly unique. However, I’ve recently had to accept that much of the criticism we experience as a world power is completely warranted. The worst thing about us is our arrogance. We believe that we’re the best and always will be the best. This is wrong….


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Japan during the bubble, as requested by a reader

In 1985 I went to Japan to seek my fortune. I began studying Japanese in 1981, mostly because of my interest in Japanese military history. In the winter of 1983-1984, I spent six months in Sapporo on an exchange program. That sealed the deal. Japan was clean, orderly, and had great food. And oceans of…


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Stenographers for terrorists: the depravity of journalists

Before the Gaza war that began in June of 2014, I had no idea that journalists had become stenographers for the most evil people alive. I don’t think this is a conscious decision. The few times I’ve interacted with journalists, they’ve struck me as terminally superficial. Instead, they view the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and…


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Trench warfare in Syria? Time for flamethrowers

Syria has gone back a hundred years, returning to trench warfare. For the sake of the people on our side, flamethrowers must be introduced. Here’s what Colonel Steve Warren—spokesman for Combined Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve—recently said. I’ll tell you, that’s a tough fight right now. From what I’ve seen, the imagery I’ve looked at,…


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CeeCee: A post about my mother, as requested by a reader

I’ve been asked to write about my mother, CeeCee. She was born February 28, 1928, and she died October 13, 2013. CeeCee was a mystery. She and I never got along, but it was due to a secret she carried. I discovered it after she died. It wasn’t written down anywhere; it’s just that I’m…


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