Thomas Wictor

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Feign disorder, and then crush your enemy and his supporters

“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.” Those of the words of Sun Tzu, author of the The Art of War. There’s no doubt in my mind that Israel and the Arab League have created strategic special forces, dubbed “C6ISR forces” by IDF Brigadier General Gal Hirsch (retired). The term…


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Ascension is more compelling to me than decline

The main reason I’m interested in the Middle East is that the region is in a period of the most dramatic change in its history—and those responsible for this metamorphosis have decided on improvement. There’s no question. The Middle East is in ascension. I’m an optimist, but I’m also a realist. Many Americans have decided…


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Tunnel warfare is far worse than you can imagine

You don’t ever want to get involved in tunnel warfare. It’s absolutely hideous. Tunnelers always lose, regardless of how sophisticated their underground passageways become. The reason is simple: A tunnel is a trap for those inside it. In the Gaza war of 2014, Hamas surprised the IDF with attack tunnels. Israeli troops were utterly untrained…


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Special forces versus forces capable of special operations

Last night I had my second interaction on Twitter with a man who claims to be a former member of the US Army Special Forces. He’s upset at me for using the term “special forces” to describe the 150,000 troops trained by Saudi Arabia to intervene in Syria (and Iran). I had to block the…


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Government can easily hide whatever it wants

Despite what people call me, I’m not a conspiracy theorist. The Snowden Test disproves virtually all of the old standbys. However, government can indeed operate clandestinely when the stakes are high enough. The military exercises held in the American Southwest during the summer of 2015 prove that the conspiracy theories about 9/11 and the JFK…


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Insight is not its own reward. Buy a book!

In 2013 I was scammed out of my life’s savings by a fake publicist named Mike Albee. The reason I couldn’t perceive this is that I have post-traumatic stress disorder and Meniere’s disease. When under stress, I dissociate. It robs me of all insight. Weeks and months pass in what seems like days. Both my…


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Strategic special forces are about to go to war

In the summer of 2015, there were massive nocturnal military exercises held all over the American Southwest. However, these were not American troops. The Saudis have revealed who they were: Arab and Asian (and Israeli but shhhhhh) strategic special forces. These extremely lethal units are ready for combat. Their training is complete. Yesterday the Saudis…


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Kurdistan is just about to become a reality

Well, color me shocked. Turkey is on the verge of accepting the creation of Kurdistan. The Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made the announcement. I’m very impressed. It’s obvious that I completely misjudged the Turks. Here’s what Saudi Arabia said in June of 2015. [Anwar…


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Weapons and tactics. Study them, and you’ll know the world

Last night I wrote a post about the war of words between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds. My opinion is that it’s posturing as a way of saving face, a way of projecting strength, and as geopolitical deception. Today I discovered that I was right. My knowledge of weapons and military capabilities allowed me to…


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Posturing staves off disaster in the Middle East

One of the reasons that westerners can’t solve the problems in the Middle East is that we can’t distinguish between genuine threats and posturing. I admit that I myself have this deficit. It’s not possible for me to tell what’s real and what’s a performance. However, Middle Easterners understand what’s actually going on. There’s always…


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