Thomas Wictor

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Cavemen don’t win wars. They make threats and then die

I’m not able to tell you when or how Israel will take action against her enemies. The Arab League completely flummoxed me with its military brilliance; therefore I gave up trying to figure out what was going to happen next. I think Israel was waiting for everyone arrayed against her to become cavemen. That moment…


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Saudi war plan revealed. Pure genius, of course

Nawaf Obaid is a visiting fellow and associate instructor at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. He’s written a piece about the Saudi war plan. It explains everything. Last week, the spokesman for the Saudi military, General Ahmed Asseri, announced that Saudi Arabia is “is ready to participate in any ground operations…


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Photos that tell you all you need to know about war

I’m going to show you two photos that will graphically illustrate what must be done in the name of geopolitics. Sometimes you call attention to yourself, and other times you hide. But first, I have to castigate my fellow citizens. Photos are treated better Today, when I came out of the pharmacy, I found a…


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Chaos? I don’t think so. It’s three-dimensional chess

CBS News has published a story on what they say is the chaos in Syria, as two American-backed opposition groups fight each other. The 13th Division of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is said to be firing BGM-71 TOW missiles at the Kurdish Peoples’ Defense Units or YPG. In April of last year the 13th…


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Supporting mass murder in the name of social justice

An especially foul depravity is supporting murderous governments or groups as an act of adolescent rebellion. I’ll admit this: When “social justice warriors” went to Iraq to help the insurgency and ended up getting decapitated, I thought it was funny. I have many flaws, the worst being that I never forgive. But I’m getting better….


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End game in Syria now clear and in sight

I’m pretty sure that I’ve found the end game in Syria. It’s a stunner. First, here’s an attempt to derail the plan. A car bomb went off in the Turkish capital Wednesday near vehicles carrying military personnel, killing at least 28 people and wounding 61 others, officials said. The explosion occurred during evening rush hour…


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Desperate deception versus brilliant deception

It took me all day to figure out this one. I knew immediately that the Syrians and Russians were ladling cow manure over the heads of the press, but the fatal rot of journalism made it very hard for me to find the answer. This clumsy attempt at deception shows how desperate Assad and his…


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Accountability is the solution to all our problems

Today I read two pieces written by Muslims trying to explain the mayhem taking place across the world. Both writers miss the mark. What’s happened is that every culture on earth has purged itself of accountability. That’s all. Accountability would prevent this Kamel Daoud’s piece is titled “The Sexual Misery of the Arab World.” The…


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Illusion, reality, and symbolism blend in a virtuoso performance

I was asked today if the fact that a Turkish fighter jet flew into Syria meant that the Saudi invasion had begun. Well, I believe that the Saudi invasion began in October of 2014 at the latest, when fifty Arab fighters helped 2000 Kurds at Kobane repel 10,000 Islamic State terrorists armed with main battle…


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Master plans only work when they can’t be figured out

We all agree that I’m just theorizing, right? Therefore I can spin whatever yarn I want without worrying about my reputation. Let’s talk about Turkey tonight. I believe that Turkey is part of a master plan to stabilize the Middle East. This post is not calling anyone a liar. Everything being said is—I think—deliberate deception…


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