Thomas Wictor

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Ground invasion of Syria: Did it begin today?

Most people love bad news. They also love to be afraid. I spent most of my life being disappointed, angry, and fearful, so I’m grateful for every scrap of improvement that I see around me. I think the Muslim Anti-Terror Coalition ground invasion of Syria began today, which is very good news. It means the…


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Apocalypse? Hardly. This is called “mopping up”

Nothing annoys me more than people who are seduced by fear. As an investor, I’m personally impacted when blubbering, weak-kneed, gutless poseurs run screeching for the doors every three days. They make me sick. So do those who warn that the Apocalypse is about to start in the Middle East. I’m fifty-three; every damn day…


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Weaponized miniature drone used in Syria. Here’s the footage

I’m going to show you footage of a weaponized miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone in Syria. It’s clearly armed with a machine gun. The UAV is a small helicopter designed for nearly silent running. Below is a video from 2010. That’s a full-size helicopter. Forgive the adult-film soundtrack. Now imagine a small aircraft…


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Life can be made far more frightening than death

Today I suddenly understood another aspect of the military genius that Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman is showing. The Arab League and its allies are fighting in Syria, using new weapons that I call EMPFAE munitions. They produce shock waves and nonnuclear electromagnetic pulses that wreck the enemy’s electronics. They…


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Social media can tell you who’s winning and losing wars

It’s no secret that the Russians have many thousands of fake accounts on social media. Most are under women’s names. The people running the accounts work for the Internet Research Agency, generally called the Agency. In my youth, I was a sucker for the sort of women who the Agency hires. Now, they’re as attractive…


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Ordnance that will end major wars. Thank Israel

Last night I found the patent for the new munitions that are winning the war in Syria. This ordnance combines a thermobaric or fuel-air explosive and a warhead for generating non-nuclear electromagnetic pulses (EMPs). We need to call it something, so I’ll put EMP together with the acronym for fuel-air explosive (FAE). This gives us…


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Russia is learning that some people don’t scare easily

When Russia decided to intervene on behalf of Bashar al-Assad, those who don’t know anything about military matters thought that they were seeing a level of competence that nobody else had shown in the conflict. They were wrong. My experience with Russians had prepared me for what inevitably happened. One of the best films ever…


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Toad? Okay, I’m a toad. Consider becoming one yourself

I’m a toad. Like the poet Stephen Crane. Social media is the playpen of mental patients. Today someone who followed me on Twitter sent me this. You can tell a lot about people by what they find attractive. Sinister, mannered, bitter, hostile, grim, pompous old men don’t do it for me. Denise A. Rubin and…


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Relax. We’ll all be quite safe here fairly soon

Relax. You’re quite safe here. You’re not dreaming. Peace is on its way. Don’t give in to paranoomerah, paranoomerah. Ignore 99 percent of what you’re being told. Trust me. Relax. We’re not arming the YPG The Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) in Syria together number about 15,000. The men…


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Use your gift, or it will be taken away from you

Why do some stories get to us in ways that others don’t? I shouldn’t be as upset as I am about the death of Cody Bolesta. Maybe it’s because I hit rock bottom two days ago and began making the necessary changes. I know I’ll be all right now, while Cody Bolesta is as dead…


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