Thomas Wictor

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Two Pallywood duds in one day!

Another day, another Palestinian hoax. Actually, August 3, 2014, brought us two Pallywood duds. The first production I’ll discuss is the bombing of the al-Ghoul house in Rafah, which is said to have killed ten people. The second is the “air strike” on the Rafah Preparatory “A” Boys School, which I will PROVE to you…


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Hamas targeted the UN school at Jabalia

Early in the morning of July 30, 2014, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school at Jabalia, Gaza, was struck by several munitions. The Palestinians, the UN, and the global press immediately blamed Israel. Later in the day, Hamas accidentally blew up its own people while trying to set up a Pallywood production….


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Pallywood bombs

Pallywood bombs. All the time. Its sniper video was transparently fake, the bloodied Crying Man had no dead father to cry about, and the nonexistent market shoppers were blown up by Hamas rockets. A favorite Pallywood production is “unexploded Israeli bombs” lying around…everywhere! This is because Israel is carrying out a genocidal aerial bombing campaign….


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I’m some kind of a nut!

Someone told me today that another big political writer thinks I’m crazy because I wrote a post about photographing the ghost of my dead cat Syd the Second on my front porch. This all stems from a post I wrote about Pallywood, which some bigwig political writer picked up, and then some other political writer…


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The self-inflicted massacre at Shijaiyah

I decided to not wait until the Israel Defense Forces released an official statement about what happened in the Shijaiyah neighborhood of Gaza City on July 30, 2014. You’ll see for yourself that the self-inflicted massacre at Shijaiyah should never have occurred. Hamas is entirely to blame. Every news outlet on the planet is calling this…


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No Jews, no news

On Twitter a Jewish man succinctly explained to me why the press steadfastly refuses to give us details on actual atrocities committed by the same people Israel is fighting: “No Jews, no news.” It’s the only thing that explains why this story, for example, isn’t being covered to the degree that it deserves. “A Report…


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There was no father

What a day. I woke from a deranged nightmare in which I was teaching the Cardinal Ghost how to make pancakes by screaming the instructions at her. Then I was interviewed by Ali Gharib, who writes for the Nation Institute. After that I learned that a post of mine has caused a famous writer to…


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People need to learn how to read

Boy, the crap has hit the fan! First I was interviewed by Ali Gharib of the Nation Institute about my Pallywood posts, and then I learned that David Frum of The Atlantic had tweeted about them, and then I found an uncredited article by BagNews(?) excoriating Frum and me. You can excoriate me. Ali Ghraib…


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Do fake victories really count?

Yesterday Hamas claimed it had inflicted massive losses on the Israeli Defense Forces. What the Japanese and Germans learned in World War II and the Arabs learned during Operation Iraqi Freedom, claiming fake victories just ends up biting you in the rear end. I remember reading article after article that Arabs all over the Middle…


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Fake Gaza sniper video definitively debunked

On July 21, 2014, I wrote a post titled “A fake atrocity video from Gaza,” referring to a hoax that accused an Israeli Defense Forces sniper of shooting a Palestinian civilian three times until he died. The video is entirely bogus. Last night an Irish Twitter user named Voodoo Criminology sent me a link to…


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