Thomas Wictor

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Israel is not the problem

Disclaimer: I’m a hugely biased observer. I support Israel wholeheartedly. Does that mean I agree with everything she does? No. But I don’t agree 100 percent with what any nation—including my own—does. Still, objectively speaking, Israel is not the problem. I’m going to try and convince you of that. The reason I admire the Israelis…


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What happens when a missile hits an airliner?

Yesterday Russian separatists in the Ukraine shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, killing all 298 people on board. In the comments I read on multiple Websites, readers expressed horror at what the passengers must have experienced. One of the things I try to do is alleviate suffering, so I’d like to explain what happens when…


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A tale of two wars

By now you’ve probably heard that Russian separatists in the Ukraine shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 with a surface-to-air missile (SAM). You may also have heard that Israel launched a ground invasion into Gaza. This is a tale of two wars and how people react so differently to them. The Ukrainian civil war has…


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What makes me hate a movie

Today an Irishman told me I’m a very hateful person. He used the word “hate” and “hateful” at least sixty times. The reason is that he claims to oppose all violence under any circumstances, while I support violence to eliminate murderous terrorists. When I informed him that my brother and I came within two minutes…


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The self-slaughter of tribalism

Every day I read comments by atheists or “secular humanists” ridiculing the religious. And yet those who belittle the notion of “an invisible, bearded old man in the sky” tend to have a fanatically religious reverence for government. Yes, people come to my door trying to convert me to their religion. But at least they…


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Caffeine withdrawal makes you stupid

I can’t think right now. All I can do is sit and stare blankly. Caffeine withdrawal makes you stupid. Throw in stress and rotational vertigo attacks, and you have complete mental disability. Writing is beyond my capabilities right now, so we’ll go audio-visual. I took this photo a few hours ago, as I wandered aimlessly…


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Everyday berserkery

At some point I wanted to finish a book titled Assault Troops of World War I: the Central, Allied, and Neutral Powers. I may get to it eventually, but for now I’ve totally lost interest. The everyday berserkery of people interested in military matters has drained me of my enthusiasm. It’s a bad day. I’m…


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“I matter plenty.”

My perception of art keeps changing. Movies are especially vulnerable to my reinterpretation. Films I once loved I now hate, and those that I still like are sending me entirely different messages. The brilliant film Breach is up there in my top ten. I hadn’t seen it in a while, so when I watched it…


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You don’t speak for me

Today I read a long blog post about how “90 percent” of us are furiously jealous of all good fortune that others enjoy. It’s only natural. If someone else is happy, successful, attractive, physically fit, talented, healthy, wealthy, and wise, the overwhelming majority of us wish ill on the person and hope they suffer calamity….


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Laughing in the face of death

Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas—also part of the Palestinian government—are going at it again. Hamas fires missiles, mortars, and rockets into Israeli population centers, which has prompted Israel to build the Iron Dome, an anti-missile defense system. This is real science-fiction stuff that was deemed impossible only a few years ago. As the missiles…


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