Thomas Wictor

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The postal service missed one

Well, the US Postal Service theft ring missed one. The reason is because it was sent domestically instead of from Europe. The funny thing is, this is the most valuable purchase I’ve ever made. It’s an original watercolor by Friedrich Ludwig Scharf (1884-1965), an artist who served in the Imperial German Army during World War…


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Power is an addiction

After Scott Thunes alerted me that Mike Albee was a fraud, I began trying to teach myself as much as I could about creating my online presence. My Meniere’s disease prevents me from making appearances or doing book tours. Now I’m up to my neck in social media and online marketing. I’ve discovered that the…


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Not a fan of in-jokes

I’m a movie fanatic. Instead of watching them, I experience them. So when I see a cutesy in-joke intended to show a tiny group of self-described hipsters how cool they are, it breaks the spell and pisses me off. The most famous Hollywood in-joke is the “Wilhelm scream.” Somebody made a compilation of films in…


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I should’ve published this review

When the fake book publicist Mike Albee “represented” me, he urged me to pay for a review of Chasing the Last Whale, Volume Two of the Ghosts Trilogy. The reviewer was Clarion. Mike told me this would be a great investment. As it turns out, the reviewer gave Whale three out of five stars. Authors…


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A tour of hell

Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of going to hell. I never saw flames and demons. Instead, my hell was full of unreachable, loud people; inexplicable machinery; winding corridors; and a sense of powerlessness, purposelessness, and hopelessness. Today I saw a video that someone made during his tour of hell. Before I post…


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War requires love

On my home page today, I saw a banner ad for Axe deodorant. It had a slogan I hadn’t seen in over forty years: “Make love, not war.” This is silly on so many different levels it’s hard to know where to start, but the most glaringly obvious flaw in this mindless catchphrase from the…


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Accepting and letting go

I wrote this August 13, 2013. Mom died exactly two months later. When my brother Eric was here to say goodbye to Mom, he and Tim and I had the most important conversations that the three of us had ever had. I’m very pleased at what an extraordinary man Eric has turned out to be….


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Physically, I’m far from attractive. But I would never let someone take a knife to my face or inject it with stuff to make it smoother and more “youthful.” For one thing pillowfaces just look weird, not young. My livelihood doesn’t depend on my looks. If it did I certainly wouldn’t ruin my appearance the…


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A choice I never had to make

As Mom and Dad got more enfeebled, I became obsessed with a scenario that haunted me day and night. First I bought guns to protect my parents, since they were the victims of a home invasion, Mom could barely walk, and Dad kept getting into fights with strangers. But the guns wouldn’t have prevented what…


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The obsession with Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church is the most transparent case of psychological projection I’ve ever seen. There are several definitions of projection. Here’s the one I’ll use for the purposes of this post. A defense mechanism of denying flaws in yourself while attributing them to others. There’s no other explanation…


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