Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Mike Albee’ Category

The student has surpassed the teacher

When I hired Mike Albee, Lura Dold, and later Becca Pilkington, I was still stuck in 2003, Internet-wise. It was July of 2013; I had no clue about social media. After my parents died, and I discovered that Mike, Lura, and Becca were con artists, I sent my story to every book section of every…


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New rules of engagement

What made the suicides of my parents so painful was that Mom and Dad kept assuring us that they wanted to live. They said one thing and did the opposite. I’ve dealt with people like that my whole life, but I was nearly killed by my mother and father reaching out to us and pushing…


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Would you want to know?

I grappled with this question a long time ago: If people in your life had terrible secrets, would you want to know? For me it depends on the secrets. I can overlook some things, while others are deal breakers. The first time the question really came up was when I met the Cardinal Ghost. Within…


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I should’ve published this review

When the fake book publicist Mike Albee “represented” me, he urged me to pay for a review of Chasing the Last Whale, Volume Two of the Ghosts Trilogy. The reviewer was Clarion. Mike told me this would be a great investment. As it turns out, the reviewer gave Whale three out of five stars. Authors…


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Tonight I indulge in negative fantasies

Today I created a press page for my Website. As soon as CreateSpace gets its ass in gear and fixes my Amazon author page, I can begin looking for another book publicist. I had to Google my name and read about me for hours. That was very stressful. I did so because the liars Mike…


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Mike Albee is THIS stupid

Today I’ve spent hours un-fucking my Website. Thanks to the fraud Mike Albee, I’m having to rewrite every single SEO title of every post, over 270 in all. I’ve also had to rewrite the meta descriptions that Mike rewrote without telling me. I’ll post one later so you can laugh at him. Before I prove…


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The rot goes too deep

Today I stop trying to hold Mike Albee and Lura Dold accountable for defrauding me of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents in 2013. The rot goes too deep. What convinced me was this story, which the global media picked up. Nasty LinkedIn rejection goes viral (CNN) — When you’re a city’s “Communicator…


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Mike Albee outs himself as a fraud

A con artist relies on people not checking too deeply into his background. I was guilty of that when I hired Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity on July 5, 2013. In my defense, I’d just fired another ripoff PR firm—one that has a stellar reputation, by the way—that same day, and the…


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Mike Albee was warned

When I found out on January 7, 2014, that Mike Albe and Lura Dold of the fake agency Sandpiper Publicity had defrauded me of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents in 2013, I offered Mike the opportunity to reimburse me. He never responded. PayPal refunded me $9000 after I provided them with incontrovertible…


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The joys of having a nonfunctional brain

The last coherent thing my father said to me was, “It’s hell when your brain doesn’t work.” Since I’d been knocked for a loop by the knowledge that we’d come to the end of the road, and now he’d have to go into hospice, I spoke without thinking. “Well, think of it as a vacation,”…


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