Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Mom’ Category


Mom and Dad made no real provisions for their deaths. For some reason Dad threw away most of his tax documents. Since his death we’ve discovered that he had plenty to hide. Mom’s residue, on the other hand, is fully intact. Tim and I have learned a lot about not only Mom and Dad but…


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Tonight I indulge in negative fantasies

Today I created a press page for my Website. As soon as CreateSpace gets its ass in gear and fixes my Amazon author page, I can begin looking for another book publicist. I had to Google my name and read about me for hours. That was very stressful. I did so because the liars Mike…


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A glamor grill

In Venezuela Dad had a glamor grill built. Italian craftsmen made it of thick aluminum sheet and put a manufacturer’s plate on it: Piaggio, purveyors of fine scooters. That was their Old World humor at work. Dad agreed with Coco Chanel’s maxim. A grill should be two things: classy and fabulous. Actually, I made that…


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The reason my mother died

First, a disclaimer. This post is not an attack on the Catholic church or my maternal grandparents. Nobody intended for my mother to suffer or to be so badly damaged that it killed her eighty years later. There was no malice involved in the decisions made about where Mom would go and how she would…


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The pain of cashews and broccoli

About two weeks before Mom had her cancer surgery on April 4, 2013, she began to starve herself. I’ve written before why she did it. The law of unintended consequences bit us all in the ass: Mom, her parents, the nuns, Tim, me—everybody. Collectively, we were screwed. There’s no recourse. It happened, and it can’t…


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Memories no longer hurt

For most of my life, memories were torture. They were like pitiless satires of my aspirations, mocking everything I’d ever attempted. All I had to do was try to sleep, and I’d be flooded with memories of disaster, horror, pain, humiliation, and failure. Around 2007 it started to change, as I realized that each catastrophe…


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Internet tough guys actually gutless invertebrates—the self-proclaimed “front page of the Internet”—has refused my request to do an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) on how Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity defrauded me of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents in 2013. Though I provided all the documentation, I got the following message. Please do not use…


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More evidence that Mike Albee is a fraud

Before I hired Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity—the two frauds who conned me out of $40,000 by exploiting the suicides of my parents—I didn’t know much about book publicity. Now I know a lot more. Today I had a long phone conversation with a real publicist, a friend of Scott Thunes. He…


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Introducing my two favorite con artists

I’d like to introduce you to my two favorite con artists, Mike Albee and Lura Dold of Sandpiper Publicity. Stand up, kids! Don’t be shy. Mike also runs another fake company, Magnus Publicity. Let’s give Mike and Lura a hand! Mike has a long history of defrauding people. Unfortunately for me I didn’t see this…


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A letter to Mom and Dad, Part One

Dear Mom and Dad: Today I got some really good news, which I’ll keep to myself for now. In case you hadn’t heard, I signed up with a fake publicity firm that stole almost $40,000 from me. The guy who runs the company has no background in the publishing industry. What happened was that Tim…


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