Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

I was a member of a depraved culture

I was sent a comment that a Jewish man wrote about my post “The utter depravity of Palestinian culture.” I’ll get to the comment in a minute. But for ten years I was a member of an utterly depraved culture. After I describe it to you, I want those of you who think it’s “racist”…


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What makes me hate a movie

Today an Irishman told me I’m a very hateful person. He used the word “hate” and “hateful” at least sixty times. The reason is that he claims to oppose all violence under any circumstances, while I support violence to eliminate murderous terrorists. When I informed him that my brother and I came within two minutes…


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Caffeine withdrawal makes you stupid

I can’t think right now. All I can do is sit and stare blankly. Caffeine withdrawal makes you stupid. Throw in stress and rotational vertigo attacks, and you have complete mental disability. Writing is beyond my capabilities right now, so we’ll go audio-visual. I took this photo a few hours ago, as I wandered aimlessly…


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Thank you, Miss Carol Colman

When I wrote Ghosts and Ballyhoo, I had to leave out tons of stuff I wanted to include. There just wasn’t enough room. Also, I’m not interesting enough to publish a multi-volume memoir. One of the bassists who I didn’t mention in the book but who had a huge impact on me is Carol Colman,…


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The new caliph has a message for you

On June 29, 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) established the new Islamic Caliphate. The new caliph is Abu Bakr Al-Husayni al-Qurashi al-Baghdadi. He’s now known as Caliph Ibrahim. There are conflicting accounts of when we had him in custody. The more colorful story is given by the former…


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Which is alienating to you, virtuosity or mediocrity?

At a Website run by a conservative Christian guy I know, one of the ads was titled “Celebrities Who Go Topless for the Sake of Art.” Of course I had to click the link, being a fan of both toplessness and art. The Web page was interesting for lots of reasons, the main one being…


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The music of the spheres

There are certain phrases that are so elegant that they sound inevitable. Tim thinks “meandering belligerence” is one. I wish I’d coined it! To me “Pink Panther” is a great example. Also “the music of the spheres.” The phrase “music of the spheres” refers to the intertwined relationship between the structures of music and those…


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My meandering belligerence

About fifteen years ago, I used to listen to music on the radio. Easily the most annoying song in heavy rotation was “Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen.” I couldn’t escape it. Someone produced a brilliant parody that I can’t find, but it contained the words “my meandering belligerence.” Someone must feel that way about my…


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Not very smart, guys

The French have arrested the murderer responsible for the mass shooting in Belgium at the Jewish museum. He’s a twenty-nine-year-old Muslim career criminal who went to Syria for a year and acted in the named of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), formerly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq. It’s not very smart…


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This is real

I just learned of Cameron Carpenter. Last night I had a strange nightmare in which I attended a NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) show and tried to buddy up to the bassist Stanley Clarke. He looked just like Jimi Hendrix and refused to acknowledge me. I rubbed my face against his as he made…


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