Thomas Wictor

Archive for the ‘Pallywood’ Category

Who wants to help promote a film?

Pierre Rehov is about to release his documentary War Crimes in Gaza. He’s asking people to help promote it. Here’s what he has to say about it and how you can donate. Now, we need to be clear about a few things so that you don’t feel that I misled you. This is not the…


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There was no Hannibal Directive massacre in Rafah

Studying Operation Protective Edge has confirmed my greatest fear about my fellow humans: To make people believe something, all you need to do is tell them about it. They require no evidence. One of the many lies spread about Israel is that on August 1, 2014, the IDF massacred up to 190 Palestinian civilians in…


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Israel didn’t kill 500 Palestinian children

Almost a year after Operation Protective Edge ended, Jew-haters are once again making the ludicrous accusation that Israel killed more than 500 children during the conflict. The true number will never be known, but it’s time to put this fairy tale to rest once and for all. We’ll use the list of names provided by…


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Will people ever stop lying about Israel?

Someone directed me to a piece by Washington Post writer William Booth: “Israeli veterans say permissive rules of engagement fueled Gaza carnage.” No. As Booth himself writes, “The testimonies in the report are anonymous and impossible to independently verify.” That means that both Booth’s piece and the Breaking the Silence report “This is How We…


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Female combatants in Gaza

During Operation Protective Edge, Palestinian terrorist groups used female combatants. They admit it themselves. Palestinian women fighters have been active since the second intifada in 2000, but their numbers have swelled since the most recent Israeli offensive. All of Gaza’s fighting groups have female units, but the most efficient is the Nasser Salahuddin Brigades unit…


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A ruminative loop

Yesterday a journalist called and told me that I was correct about the murders of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr. The four boys were part of a deception operation that Hamas carried out against the Israeli Defense Forces on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. The person told me that the foreign reporters who…


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Journalist confirms Gaza beach deception operation

I just got off the phone with a journalist whose name you’d recognize. This person will remain anonymous. The journalist confirmed that the killing of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, was a Hamas deception operation. This is a person who is very angry at what happened and…


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You need better arguments

For some reason I’m suddenly getting lots of messages about my theory that Hamas murdered Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr and used their corpses in an elaborate deception operation on July 16, 2014. You need much better arguments than this. Total incoherence. I can’t understand what was written. At least this next one makes…


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Israel drops atomic bombs on Gaza!

Somebody asked me to look at a photo said to show Israeli air strikes on Gaza. The image is fake. Only atomic bombs could produce such explosions. Here’s the photo. This is a composite. You can always tell Palestinian fake-explosion photos because the fireballs and smoke towers appear precisely on the horizon. What they’re doing…


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Why we can’t trust Palestinian casualty figures

This is my third straight day trying to write a post on Palestinian female combatants. I’m now going to put off the post until Sunday night or Monday. It’s simply not yet possible to paint a clear picture of what happened. To show you why we can’t trust Palestinian casualty figures and why I’m having…


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