Thomas Wictor

Protect me from my friends

Protect me from my friends

I can’t write a long post tonight because I’m on a new medication. It makes me extremely groggy. The effect should wear off in a couple of weeks. Therefore I’ll recycle an old post and add to it. This is about the notion of who or what we can depend on to protect us. Since the world has changed dramatically in the past few years and will change even more in the near future, I think this notion is apt.

Romanian proverb

Sometimes we all feel a little Romanian. Here’s one of their proverbs:

Protect me, Lord, from my friends. As for my enemies, I will take care of them myself.

I’ve always had very bad experiences with people I thought were my friends. As for true enemies, I’ve had only a tiny handful. I wish I had been protected from my “friends,” but the choices I made were inevitable. When you posit certain aspects in an upbringing, the person’s fate is sealed. The Jesuits say, “Give me the child until he’s seven, and I’ll give you the man.” This quote is attributed to St. Francis Xavier.


Xavier was a missionary who traveled extensively in the Portuguese empire.


The Jesuit proverb means that formative childhood experiences will determine the adult you become. I’m walking, talking proof that the Jesuits are correct. Due to my childhood, I’m unable to choose trustworthy people as friends.


Due to my childhood, I’ve always been able to take care of my enemies myself. Without hesitation or guilt. I think everyone should develop the ability to take care of their enemies themselves. That’s what’s happened in the Middle East. Almost every day brings new evidence that a massive change has swept through the region, and things can only get better because of it.

Saudi prince al-Waleed bin Talal has stated that in the event of another Palestinian Intifada (uprising) against Israel he would side with the Jewish State, saying that “Saudi Arabia has reached a political maturity to constitute a durable alliance with the Jewish nation.”

“I will side with the Jewish nation and its democratic aspirations in case of outbreak of a Palestinian Intifada and I shall exert all my influence to break any ominous Arab initiatives set to condemn Tel Aviv, because I deem the Arab-Israeli entente and future friendship necessary to impede the Iranian dangerous encroachment,” Al Qabas quotes the Saudi media tycoon as saying.


The Saudi Prince and entrepreneur posited that his country must reconsider its regional commitments and devise a new strategy to combat Iran’s increasing influence in Gulf States by forging a defense pact with Tel Aviv to deter any possible Iranian moves in the light of unfolding developments in the Syria and Moscow’s military intervention, the Kuwaiti Al Qabas daily reports according to AWD News.

“The whole Middle-East dispute is tantamount to matter of life and death for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from my vantage point ,and I know that Iranians seek to unseat the Saudi regime by playing the Palestinian card , hence to foil their plots Saudi Arabia and Israel must bolster their relations and form a united front to stymie Tehran’s ambitious agenda,” Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) quoted Prince al-Waleed as saying on Tuesday , adding that Riyadh and Tel Aviv must achieve a modus vivendi, for Saudi policy in regard to Arab-Israeli crisis is no longer acceptable.

Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud is one of the most powerful members of the royal family. What you just read above is the official Saudi government position.

My research into arms sales indicates that Israel made peace with the Arab League in late 2008. In 2009 Israel began selling advanced military technology to Arab nations that don’t even recognize her existence—publicly.

The Arab League can’t reveal its alliance with Israel. Social media reveals the tens of millions of fanatics who would immediately go out and start shooting in all directions if they learned that Arabs and Jews had made peace. The alliance may not be publicized for years. But it’s already racked up its first victory.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Wednesday that the war a Saudi-led coalition has been fighting against Iran-allied fighters in Yemen for seven months may soon end.

“One of the indications that the campaign is nearing its end is the fact that … Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthis are accepting U.N. Security Council Resolution 2216 and entering into talks the U.N. on that basis,” al-Jubeir told a press conference with his British counterpart in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

“We also see the gains that have been made on the ground. Most of Yemen’s territory that was captured by the rebels has been recaptured,” he added.

I knew that this was the inevitable outcome. That’s because I informed myself of how the Coalition is fighting. The press told you that the Coalition tried to defeat the Houthis with an air campaign, and when that failed, ground troops were brought in. That’s a lie. Contempt for Arabs prevented analysts from seeing and thinking clearly.

For all of April and May of 2015, the Saudis trained Yemeni special forces to do most of the fighting.




Before the Houthis and troops loyal to former dictator Abdullah Ali Saleh took over most of Yemen in late March of 2015, the US and several other nations had already trained Yemeni special forces to a very high standard.



Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates trained Yemeni special operators further and provided them with the most modern weapons and equipment.



The Coalition air campaign was never intended to defeat the Houthis. Instead, the goal was to protect two points of resistance, Little Aden (red arrow) and Crater (green arrow).


Those two pockets were where the Coalition inserted special operators who organized militias and armed civilians into a credible fighting force. The total number of Saudi, Emirati, Qatari, Moroccan, Algerian, Jordanian, Egyptian, Pakistani, and Senegalese special forces in Yemen is under 10,000.

A secondary function of the air campaign was to degrade Houthi and Revolutionary Committee military capabilities. The ground war began on September 12, 2015, and barely six weeks later, it appears that the Houthis and their allies are ready to give up.

All the “experts” were wrong. They predicted disaster for Saudi Arabia and the total destruction of Yemen. My guess is that nearly all pundits and professional blabbermouths are unaware that the Israelis have new allies with whom they’ve shared their extremely advanced military technology. Also, former dictator Saleh fought six wars with the Houthis over twenty years. Most of the damage we’re seeing dates from those conflicts.

The Yemen war shows that the Israel-Arab alliance is basically a regional IDF. This war has been fought for seven months, and we’re told that about 5000 people have been killed. There’s no way to confirm that number, but if it were true, it would make this the most bloodless major conflict in human history. It’s clear from photos and video that the overwhelming majority of casualties are fighters.



Also, the Houthis and their allies deliberately targeted civilians and used human shields in order to blame the Coalition. Despite using every time-honored Muslim terrorist tactic, the Houthis lost.

I know that Arabs and Jews in the Middle East don’t trust each other. That’s fine. You have every right to be suspicious. But you should know that the next war will be against the Iranian Revolutionary guard Corps, Hezbollah, the Islamic State, and al-Qaeda. It’ll be incredibly violent due to the new weapons that have been created. But Israel and her Arab allies understand the wisdom of General William Tecumseh Sherman.


War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.

Fairly soon, nobody in the region will want war ever again. Their minds will have been changed by massive, humiliating defeats. The Arab League is keeping the vast majority of its capabilities secret, which is very good news. It means that Israel and her allies will hit their enemies harder and faster than we can imagine. It’ll be spectacular.

You should really study the Yemen war. It’s all the reassurance you’ll need that everything will be fine.

And I wrote a long post after all! Maybe I’ll be fine too.

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