Thomas Wictor

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Western powers can’t bring peace to the Middle East

I’ll admit it: I was wrong. The US and Europe were never destined to bring about peace in the Middle East. Western powers should only provide advanced weaponry and other military support to nations in the region. Middle Easterners understand how to do things in their part of the world. We’re completely clueless. Looking back…


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New Middle East in one photo. I was 100 percent correct

I hate the people who I call “gore crows.” They can’t wait to tell you bad news. It’s a form of sadism. And to be honest, I no longer have patience for those addicted to fear and negativity. The new Middle East arrived in late 2008, and now it’s revealing itself. When I say, “Everything…


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Jews and Arabs united are impossible to defeat in battle

And you thought I was crazy! In July of 2015, I became convinced that Israel and the Arab League had made peace at the end of 2008. I based my supposition on Israeli arms sales to Arab nations that began in 2009. Israel sold incredibly advanced technology to countries that don’t even recognize her. This…


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Judging others and finding them wanting is how you survive

Two great films are The Omega Man and its remake I Am Legend. The second version has an alternate ending that they ultimately rejected. However, the fact that they filmed it shows how corroded our morality has become. For some reason judging is now considered so wrong that you’re supposed to view even homicidal lunacy…


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Different cultures fight wars in very different ways

Every culture and nation within that culture must decide how it fights wars. What works for one group of people isn’t necessarily acceptable to others. Therefore when I discuss my preferred way of fighting, I’m not saying that everyone should adopt it. Also, when I point out what I see as the shortcomings of different…


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Avoiding the mistakes that western powers made in the Middle East

I urge everyone to take some time and watch videos put out by the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD). Although the QSD are fighters, they’re also a political movement that was created in the hopes of avoiding the many blunders that the West has committed in the Middle East since forever. It appears that the greatest…


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Quds Force chief Qassem Suleimani is still dead, I’m pretty sure

There’s no doubt that virtually every significant Iranian and Hezbollah commander in Syria has been killed. The list is incredible. Though some people say that this is because Iranian leaders go to the front lines to rally their men, I don’t believe it. I think Saudi and allied commandos are doing the killing. The National…


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Video: Do the Kurds have a new guided rocket-propelled grenade?

Watch this video of Kurdish Peshmerga destroying an Islamic State truck bomb. The Peshmerga are the official armed forces of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan. They aren’t the YPG or YPJ militias. The video is important for several reasons. First, it shows that two MILAN antitank guided missiles were fired but missed the truck. Since sound travels…


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Remembering and reevaluating the best Christmas I ever had

One of my great pleasures is to write in total freedom, not caring in the least what anybody thinks. Today I’m remembering the best Christmas I ever had: December 25, 1989. I lived in Tokyo at the time, and I was faced with a choice. I don’t regret the outcome. Regret is an emotion not…


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Magical mystery videos from Syria point to very good news ahead

For whatever reason I began studying military issues when I was about seven. It was an odd choice for me, since I hate violence. When I saw my first plucked turkey, I became hysterical. My mother had to throw it away and give us peanut-butter sandwiches for Thanksgiving dinner. But studying war was useful in…


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