Thomas Wictor

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A “great victory” for terrorists? Hardly

As you know by now, Islamic terrorists carried out a series of attacks in Paris on Friday, November 13, 2015, killing at least 168 people. The murderers were armed with assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives, and suicide vests. As many as seven locations were targeted. I watched hours of coverage from Sky New, Fox News,…


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The Israeli strategy of island hopping

For most of the history of warfare, the combatants lined up on opposite sides of a field or tract of water and advanced. When they met, they bashed each other as hard as they could until somebody gave up. This approach changed in World War I. Instead of marching on strong points, armies sent in…


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Media doublethink hits all-time high

It’s annoying to have to wade through swamps of manure in order to find the truth. This evening I had a conversation with my brother Tim about doublethink, a term coined by George Orwell in his dystopian masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-four. Doublethink is the ability to accept two mutually contradictory beliefs. It’s part of newspeak, the…


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Everything old is new again

One of the benefits of age is experience. Younger people often think that things are worse than they really are. I’m here to tell you that I saw this over thirty years ago. What’s old is new again. If you can’t follow what’s happening, I’ll explain: Social justice warriors carried out another fake hate non-crime…


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Why I support censorship

Although my collection of World War I photos and postcards has over 10,000 items in it, there’s only one that shows dead soldiers. I’ve turned down offers to buy images that other collectors would’ve given all their teeth to own. It’s because I regard pictures of the dead as pornography. There’s a natural human urge…


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How do we deter the murderously violent?

Every day brings new knife attacks by Palestinians. And if you search the Internet, you can find the most horrifying videos and photos that depict actual death in war, on roads, in stores, and in homes. The images have lost their power to shock. However, there’s a very efficient way to show the murderously violent…


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Decoding secret military exercises

My own opinion is that there’s nothing to fear from the American armed forces—unless you’re an enemy of the United States, foreign or domestic. When people hear about secret military exercises, they often wind themselves up into a frenzy of terror. It’s so unnecessary. Usually a few minutes of research will let you determine what’s…


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Denial isn’t one of my problems

I hurt my back a few days ago. Actually, I ruined my back in 1992, when I was working as a field representative for a document-retrieval service. More on that later. Though I have more problems than you can imagine, denial isn’t one of them. That’s an emergency-room wrist band. At 8:00 a.m. I drove…


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The beginning of the end for the mullahs?

The mullahs of Iran are in a lot of trouble. In fact, they’re facing their worst crisis since they officially took power on December 3, 1979. What many people don’t know is that Ayatollah Ruallah Khomeini’s policy was “export of Revolution.” In practice this meant that Iran became the center of “pan-Islamism.” The Iranian Revolution…


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Big news from Syria, Sinai, and Iran

When there’s big news, back pain must be put aside. First, we have this. The British government has suspended all flights between the UK and the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh after US and UK officials said they believe the Russian plane that crashed over the Sinai peninsula may have been brought down by an…


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