Thomas Wictor

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Posting from a kneeling position

The constant pain from my recent back injury has subsided. Now I can walk again, but I can’t sit. I’m posting while kneeling in my backwards chair. Since that isn’t feasible, here’s another recycled post. Forgive me. A letter from my past I just found a letter I’d forgotten I wrote. It’s dated September 26,…


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Brace yourselves: We’re almost there

The things I do for the people who want to know the truth. I’m in agony right now because of my back, but this is too important put off. Brace yourselves. We’re in for a bumpy ride. At the end of it is sunshine—maybe forever. First, some lines from Wilfred Owen. Bent double, like old…


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In too much pain to post

I have a swivel chair that regularly throws me out of it, like it’s a bucking bronco. Two days ago it dumped me on my back, and now I’m in too much pain to think. I have to walk bent double. This has happened several times before. Only bed rest will solve it. So here’s…


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I hate masks

Tonight in the US is Halloween, a very metaphorical celebration for me. The light on my front porch is off, signalling to those who wear masks that I’m not approachable. I don’t reward those who conceal who they really are. Actually, my mother, Tim, and I stopped handing out candy several years ago. Teenagers without…


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Stupid is the new smart

Today the IDF tweeted a photo of Israeli soldiers tying to save the life of a Palestinian who’d gone all stabby and had to be shot. In response, someone posted a link to a Website. Maybe my new medication has robbed me of my inhibitions, but I had to write about this because I’m sick…


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The most important story you haven’t heard

I love being the bearer of good news. This very important story has been buried by nonsense, fear-mongering, propaganda, and agenda-driven lies. I don’t know how Israelis and Jewish people will react, but however you feel is the proper response. It’s perfectly legitimate for you to be conflicted. The tempo of these dramatic changes is…


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Protect me from my friends

I can’t write a long post tonight because I’m on a new medication. It makes me extremely groggy. The effect should wear off in a couple of weeks. Therefore I’ll recycle an old post and add to it. This is about the notion of who or what we can depend on to protect us. Since…


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Don’t be like my father

My father was a very complex man. When he was in the Coast Guard, he climbed to the tops of LORAN (long-range navigation) towers that were 620 feet (189 meters) or more in height. He did it for fun. In 1949 he was stationed on Bikati Island, Makin Atoll, in the Gilbert Islands (red arrow)….


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A diplomatic solution for Syria?

Reader Aqeel Yousuf sent me a question: “Now that the foreign ministers of Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey met with the American Secretary of State in Vienna on October 23, does that mean a diplomatic solution to the Syrian civil war is possible?” Well, yes and no. Mr. Yousuf appears to be a very young…


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A primer on the Islamic State

Today I heard former British Prime Minister Tony Blair say that the 2003 invasion of Iraq “gave rise” to the Islamic State. Later on Twitter, a Jew-hater told me that Israel and Saudi Arabia created the Islamic State. And British Prime Minister David Cameron has insisted that the Islamic State isn’t Muslim. All of these…


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