Thomas Wictor

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Gratitude will get you through

Last night I went to meet my brother Eric and his girlfriend at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). They had a long layover, so Tim and I picked them up, took them to their hotel, had dinner with them, and then came home. It’s the longest trip I’ve made in four years. I’ve changed completely…


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The mullahs decide to accelerate their extinction

I’m posting early today because I have to go to Los Angeles International Airport and meet my brother Eric in about two hours. But I just wanted to point out that Iran has chosen extinction over survival. The mullahs have, I mean. Iran itself will be liberated fairly soon. It’s clear to me that the…


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The real secret of Benghazi

One of the reasons I’m apolitical is that loyalty to groups can make people extremely immoral. They allow themselves to become corrupted in defense of the indefensible. Protecting a member or the leader of a group takes precedence over everything, even human life. I’ve figured out the real secret of what happened in Benghazi on…


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The spectrum disorder of Jew-hate

When I began publicly defending Israel and Jewish people in June of 2014, the most repulsive entities on earth began contacting me. I’d never in my life experienced such hate. Foaming, churning, thermonuclear hate. What I realized very quickly is that Jew-hate is a spectrum disorder. If you hate Jews, it’s axiomatic that you have…


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A little reality for the folks

Supporting Israel and the Saudi-led Coalition fighting in Yemen makes me the target of hysterical morons. They have no factual knowledge. I have to admit that now it entertains me. I enjoy being able to see things that the average putz misses. To my great surprise, someone has put together a short film that shows…


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How media dishonesty benefits us

For a variety of reasons, the international press is now dedicated to supporting terrorists. There’s no getting through to these people; I’ve had personal contact with them. They’re truly insane. Unreachable. But media dishonesty can actually benefit the fight against the enemies of civilization. Today on Twitter, I had an exchange with the usual rabid,…


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You either support civilization or you don’t

Today I read an infuriating article by the Associated Press, an organization that pines for the destruction of civilization. Well, as long as members of the Associated Press get to live in civilized enclaves, of course. The rest of us can go die, apparently. This is peak craziness. It won’t last for much longer. Arab…


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This is why the world is a mess

I’m an optimist. My view is that in the long run, we’re destined for improvement as a species. The reason that the world is a mess is that far too many people are crippled by idées fixe. They know nothing, but they have strong opinions and act on them. These are the classic low-information citizens…


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A post for my brother Pat

My brother Pat Wictor is a folksinger. Yesterday he called from the road in New York, and we had a two-hour conversation about our father Edward, who died on February 23, 2013. Ed was a mystery to us. He was the most secretive person I’ve ever known. In fact he scared me my whole life…


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Iran’s fake ballistic-missile tunnels

If the Iranian mullahs and their lackeys weren’t so evil, I’d feel sorry for them. However, they’ve made thirty-six years of choices that add to up a richly deserved demise. In a pathetic attempt to ward off this fate, Iran has released a fake video of what it says are tunnels used to store their…


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