Thomas Wictor

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A military expert calls for France to fail spectacularly

Novelist Caleb Carr has written a ridiculous op-ed titled “If France wants to succeed against Islamic State, it should study the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.” I didn’t know that Carr is considered a military expert. After reading his piece, I’m stunned that he’s actually paid to give speeches on terrorism. There was almost an eeriness…


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More evidence that I’m doing what I was meant to do

Living for fifty-three years has been incredibly hard. In a lot of ways I never had a life, since my formative experiences robbed me of the ability to have relationships. Last night I had a dream in which God gave me a photo album of the life I should’ve had. I saw photos of myself…


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Fear is your enemy

In the war against the Islamic State, the terrorists have been granted all their victories. These triumphs were not earned. President Obama sabotaged a status of forces agreement (SOFA) with Iraq so that he could bring home all our combat troops, and then the Iraqis decided to flee from the enemy, leaving behind massive amounts…


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The French confirm that they’re serious this time

The French have struck again. First it was in Paris, and now it’s Mali, where Islamic State terrorists took 170 hostages at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako. American, Malian, and French special forces freed the hostages and killed the terrorists. It isn’t clear how many hostages died. It may be as many as twenty-seven….


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Survivor confirms that Paris terrorists had no training

A man who survived the Islamic State attack on the Bataclan theater, November 13, 2015, has confirmed that the terrorists had absolutely no training. I was a little surprised, because I found them quite disorganised. They improvised a lot. This comes after the release of CCTV footage that shows terrorist Salah Abdeslam firing thirty rounds…


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The traitors who live happily among us

It’s time for us to call out the traitors who put our lives at risk by doing everything they can to champion the cause of jihadist terrorism. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is…


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Everything you’re hearing is wrong

Most of what I post is based on conjecture. However, I’ve studied military matters—specifically weapons, munitions, tactics, and strategies—for forty years. Therefore I make guesses that are generally proven correct. The best armed forces in the world don’t advertise their capabilities or operations, so nobody is confirming anything to me. But I can tell you…


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The wretchedness of defeatism

My father was the most negative person I’ve ever known. If he’d won $20 million in a lottery, he would’ve gone into several years of depression that it wasn’t $40 million. My mother said that he wasn’t always like that. Going by the conversations we had right before he died, it’s clear that he didn’t…


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Videos show evil clowns attacking in Paris

Last night I posted on the near-total lack of training shown by the terrorists who killed 129 civilians and four police officers in Paris on November 13, 2015. As expected, I upset some people. A man on social media asked me why I would write such a post; was I not satisfied with the number…


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The Paris terrorists had no real training

The Islamic State terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, were very poorly executed. In order to prove that, I’m going to talk about mass killings in a way that may sound coldblooded to you. I’ll understand if you find this post offensive. However, it’s important for you to know that the Paris terrorists…


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