Thomas Wictor

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I’ll never understand the monsters who walk among us

As a child, I knew I’d never be able to have children. It was an opportunity that was simply not present for me. Still, I always wanted children. Though I don’t feel envy, I’m sometimes saddened when I see happy parents with children they love. So I can’t understand why Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen…


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Political agendas are far more important than murder victims

Today terrorists shot up the Inland Regional Center (IRC) in San Bernadino, California. At least fourteen people were killed and another seventeen wounded. Although the IRC serves people with developmental disabilities in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, the target was a Christmas party in a room rented by employees of the San Bernadino County Public…


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Israelis confirm existence of high velocity penetrating weapon

On April 20, 2015, there was a gigantic explosion at the Faj Attan missile base in Sanaa, Yemen. I knew immediately that this was a new weapon. On November 26, 2015, the Israelis confirmed that I was right. This device is called the high velocity penetrating weapon (HVPW). It’s a hypersonic, rocket-powered bunker buster that…


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Enemies of Israel have begun to reap the whirlwind

I’m very excited. The worst people on earth are getting what they deserve. They chose to become enemies of Israel and the Jewish people. Extremely stupid move. For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. —Hosea 8:7 It’s no longer “shall.” We’ve entered the present tense. The enemies of Israel are…


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Muslim immigration: the method behind Europe’s madness

I’ve figured out why Europe is allowing what seems to be uncontrolled Muslim immigration. It’s a huge gamble on the part of the Europeans. We begin with the FACT that over thirty years ago, Europeans lost interest in reproducing. In 1985 I read that when people in a culture stop marrying, they stop having children….


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Lynch mobs, dancing on graves, and making political hay

When I was a child, I saw one of the most horrifying films ever made: The Ox-Bow Incident. It’s about the psychology of lynch mobs. Yesterday Robert Lewis Dear Jr carried out a six-hour siege at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He killed two civilians and University of Colorado-Colorado Springs Police officer…


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Lying so that the money continues to flow in

I donate to a tiny number of charities that I’ve vetted thoroughly. Most are Jewish, since I won’t donate to charities that help people who persecute Jews. The charities to which I donate have my blessings to help whomever they want. I don’t donate to any “human rights” organization. The reason is that I can’t…


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I’m reminded that you never cross the finish line

Today I was reminded again that I have an entire universe to traverse before I can sleep. I’m trying to improve myself, but there’s no finish line. In this race, you’re either a player in it forever, or you’re sitting on the sidelines. My problem is not that I’m a misanthrope; I just get furious…


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I’m deeply thankful that I’m not Charles Edward Frith

Here in the US, it’s Thanksgiving Eve. When my parents were alive, this was always a big deal. This is the third Thanksgiving without them, but it’s the first time I’ve been able to sort of sit down, catch my breath, and think about it. Thanksgiving of 2013 and 2014 made no impact. My brothers…


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Debunking an inexcusable clusterf*ck created by journalists

I can tell you only one thing with certainty: Today the Turks shot down a Russian Sukoi Su-24 bomber. That is the only fact of which I’m positive, since both the Turks and Russians agree that it happened. Everything else—and I mean literally EVERYTHING—being reported is a lie. I should just shut up and get…


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