Thomas Wictor

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Senile, angry alcoholic spreads childish lies

When I was a music journalist, I tried multiple times to interview bassist Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. His manager always turned me down, saying that Roger was too busy. The scuttlebutt was that he didn’t actually play the bass on the records, but who knows? A deeply unpleasant man, Waters had deeply unpleasant toadies…


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We never met in the rain on the last day of 1972

A bunch of people sent me this story by a B-52 pilot who was going to commit suicide out of guilt for bombing Vietnamese, but a beautiful woman saved his life by having coffee with him. Well, it didn’t happen. They never met. This is poorly written fiction. I met you in the rain on…


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Israel confirms: Death to the mullahs

Today Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. He made his intentions crystal clear: death to the mullahs. I don’t understand why everybody keeps pretending that the UN is anything except a giant mental asylum. Here’s part of Netanyahu’s speech. Last month, [Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah] Khamenei once again made…


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The danger of calling everything a war crime

For years “human rights” groups, aid organizations, other NGOs, and the United Nations have dishonestly claimed that almost every Israeli military action is a war crime. Beginning March 26, 2015, the Saudi-led Coalition fighting to defeat Ansar Allah—the Houthis—in Yemen has also been accused of war crimes. There’s absolutely no evidence that the Coalition is…


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Saudi Arabia announces the next phase

Everyone in the Middle East who cherishes freedom and peace should celebrate September 29, 2015. Today Saudi Arabia made clear that the next phase of reformation and stabilization has begun. Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad must leave office or face being turfed out by force, Saudi foreign minister Adel Al-Jubeir says. Mr Jubeir rejected Russian calls…


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The war is saving Yemeni lives

Yesterday I wrote a post titled “In Yemen No Evidence is Required.” It’s about how the press and NGOs slander the Saudi-led Coalition fighting Ansar Allah, the Iranian-backed Shi’ite terrorist group also called the Houthis. One such dishonest NGO is Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), which issued the entirely fraudulent report State of Crisis: Explosive…


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In Yemen no evidence is required

In Yemen, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) serve as propaganda arms of Ansar Allah, the radical Shi’ite terrorists known as the Houthis. Both NGOs have put out entirely fact-free indictments of the Saudi-led Coalition fighting to take control of Yemen from the Iran-backed Houthis. There’s simply no evidence for the…


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Can we stop lying about everything?

I’m not political. Not in the slightest. But I hate liars. So even though I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m going to debunk this ridiculous piece of garbage that someone sent me. The sender has only himself to blame. I want everyone to stop lying. If that means I gore your ox, too…


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About those Russians fighting in Syria

Last night I wrote about what I think Russia will do in the Middle East in response to an Israeli and Arab League attack on Iran. In the process of researching the post, I found a video of Russians fighting in Syria. It’s very illuminating. Here’s the video. At 0:40 you see a Russian BTR-82A…


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Russia and the Middle East

God bless anyone who tries to make peace in the Middle East. I myself don’t have the patience. Too many Middle Easterners are so addicted to fear and discord that they react with hostility to good news. It’s the danger of tradition and campfire tales. The current flurry of Russian activity in Syria is causing…


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