Thomas Wictor

Israel confirms: Death to the mullahs

Israel confirms: Death to the mullahs

Today Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. He made his intentions crystal clear: death to the mullahs.

I don’t understand why everybody keeps pretending that the UN is anything except a giant mental asylum. Here’s part of Netanyahu’s speech.

Last month, [Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah] Khamenei once again made his genocidal intentions clear before Iran’s top clerical body, the Assembly of Experts. He spoke about Israel, home to over six million Jews.
 He pledged, “There will be no Israel in 25 years.”

This was the reaction from listeners.


Last night I had a two-hour telephone conversation with a man who has very close connections to Arab political leaders. We discussed my posts debunking the lies about the Saudi-led Coalition fighting in Yemen. This man’s field of knowledge is geopolitics and history. He hasn’t studied military issues the way I have.

“You turned my world upside down,” he said at the end of the conversation. “I had no idea that the Arab League had created such effective and skilled military units.”

Guess what? The mullahs have no idea either. But they’re going to find out.

Since I began writing about Yemen, I’ve spoken online with lots of Yemenis, Saudis, and Emiratis. Many of the Yemenis tell me that in English, they prefer to use the word “Persian” rather than “Iranian,” since the Islamic Republic of Iran is a fascist, imperialist government that has nothing to do with the average person living in the former Persia.

As an American, I’ll stick to using the word “Iranian” for now, just in the interest of clarity.

The Iranian mullahs, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, and the Iranian Quds Force have nothing but contempt for Arabs and Jews. It’s a supremacist mindset. Because the mullahs and their lackeys don’t respect Arabs and Jews, the Iranian-Syrian-Hezbollah military apparatus is completely unprepared for a major conflict with warriors who are without question some of the finest on the planet.

Those who imagine themselves to be superior by virtue of their genes are always—always—delusional. The Nazis considered Slavs to be subhuman. Well, how the hell did this happen, then?


Slavs raising the flag of the Soviet Union over the Reichstag in Berlin, May 2, 1945.

Since I began defending Israel and Jews, the most vicious, hate-filled mutants in existence have contacted me. They say, “Hitler was right!”

It’s so bizarre that they leave out the HITLER WAS UTTERLY DEFEATED part. Germany was so thoroughly pounded into dust that the culture never recovered. Germans vacillate between operatic guilt and resentment. Here’s an actual German joke told to me by a German.

Q: What’s the difference between a German stand-up comedian and the bombing of Dresden?

A: The bombing of Dresden can make you laugh.

I don’t laugh at the bombing of Dresden, but I also tell the truth about it. Dresden was a legitimate military target. It was a major transportation hub and a center for industries vital to the German war effort. However, the bombing of Dresden has been transformed into an Allied war crime. About 25,000 people were killed. The Nazi bombing of London from September 7, 1940, to May 21, 1941, killed about 43,000 people. Why isn’t that a war crime?

We’re supposed to blubber about Dresden but not London. I figured out why.

When someone loses a war, they become the victims, and everything done to them was therefore a war crime. The formerly Great Britain has fallen for this nonsense and has spent the past seventy-five years committing slow national suicide in atonement for defeating Nazism. To a lesser extent, we Americans suffer from the same addled thinking. Did you ever see this?

Actually that pilot was a woman, Captain Kim Campbell.


I watched that CNBC broadcast live. One of the panelists was a fat, white American who was almost in tears. “All my Arab friends are humiliated by the ease with which the Iraqis were defeated,” he choked.

Really? I don’t have any close Arab friends, but is it true that you were humiliated by Saddam’s defeat? If so, why? Saddam’s crappy army was his fault, not the fault of all Arabs. I simply don’t understand ethnic or racial pride or shame.

Today Prime Minister Netanyahu explained what’s going to happen to the Iranian mullahs and their proxies.

I’ll say it again: The days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies—those days are over. Not being passive means speaking up about those dangers. We have. We are. 
We will.

Not being passive also means defending ourselves against those dangers. We have. We are. 
And we will. Israel will not allow Iran to break in, to sneak in or to walk in to the nuclear weapons club. I know that preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons remains the official policy of the international community. But no one should question Israel’s determination to defend itself against those who seek our destruction.

He’s not worried about humiliating the Iranians. Then he made sure that all smirking young idiots in the audience heard his warning.

So here’s my message to the rulers of Iran: Your plan to destroy Israel will fail. Israel will not permit any force on earth to threaten its future. And here’s my message to all the countries represented here: Whatever resolutions you may adopt in this building, whatever decisions you may take in your capitals, Israel will do whatever it must do to defend our state and to defend our people.

Finally, he admitted what I already knew to be true.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIS and from others. We are also working with other states in the Middle East as well as countries in Africa, in Asia and beyond. Many in our region know that both Iran and ISIS are our common enemies. And when your enemies fight each other, don’t strengthen either one—weaken both.

Other states in the Middle East means Turkey and Azerbaijan, Africa means Senegal, and Asia means China, of course. But did you know that Japan has a military base in Djibouti?


Officially the base is for an anti-piracy mission. It was built in 2011.


Earlier this year the Special Forces Group was sent to Djibouti.


So was the Special Boarding Unit, the Japanese version of the US Navy SEALs.


You know what unites Israel’s non-western friends? They’re all warrior cultures. And a lot of them haven’t had a good scrap in a long time. I thought that first Israel would take out Hezbollah, then the Arab League and Israel would overthrow the mullahs, then the Arab League and Israel would depose Assad, and then the Arab League would destroy the Islamic State.

Now I think it’s all going to happen simultaneously. A massive shock to the system is needed. Israel and the Arab League are telegraphing that they’ll take on and defeat Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, the Islamic State, and al-Qaeda at the same time.

Out with the old, in with the new. Death to the mullahs.

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