Thomas Wictor

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Old Man

I’m not yet able to write the sort of post I want. There’s a lot information about Israel and Russia that needs to be disseminated, but I’m not up to it. Also, a huge Middle Eastern media outlet is expressing interest in my posts about Yemen. I spoke to the reporter, and he said that…


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I’ve had a flu relapse. As my Dutch friend said, I have the “fluw,” which I pronounce—Netherlands style—as fluhv. That’s just how I feel. Fluhv. Physically and emotionally, I can’t muster the energy to post, so here’s one my favorite songs by one of my favorite singers, “Twisted” by Stan Ridgway. Today I came to…


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No reservoir of goodwill

I have the flu, so tonight’s post will be short. It’s about how the concept of creating a reservoir of goodwill no longer exists. When I was a young man, the way things worked was that you met people, interacted with them, and collected all the good experiences you had with them. If one day…


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No, that’s not my Bakr boys movie

There’s a movie about the Bakr boys online, called Operation Four Little Martyrs. Hamas murdered Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr as military deception (MILDEC). On July 16, 2014, the world was told that the IDF had killed the boys, but that’s a lie. The movie is very poor. It has too…


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Even the wolves are sheep

Almost everybody is really ordinary, now more than ever. In this Golden Age of Mediocrity, even the wolves are sheep. You see it everywhere. There’s no “ruling elite” that gets together to conspire against us. Almost all of the human race finds talent and excellence to be alienating. You know what the “one percenters” do…


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Why I admire the Emiratis

The plan to take back Yemen was brilliantly unorthodox. Instead of invading, the Coalition—Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Senegal, and Pakistan—would protect two pockets of resistance: Little Aden and Crater. In those cities, people held out against tens of thousands of besiegers: Houthis, soldiers loyal to former dictator…


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The only open-minded person on social media

I’M EXAGGERATING! Calm down. Actually there are lots of open-minded people on social media. But it’s interesting that a person who I was warned to avoid because she’s “an extremist” has actually been one of the least-rigid Twitter users I’ve encountered. She’s very passionate and opinionated—but every time I’ve given her food for thought, she’s…


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It’s all right to be suspicious

A lot of people are suspicious that the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen might turn against Israel. I don’t think that will happen. Before I explain why, let me say that I’m not critical of people who don’t trust the Coalition. When I began defending Israel in June of 2014, I was assaulted…


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Why the Coalition will win in Yemen

Here’s a report from the Marib Front in Yemen. I tried to translate it from Arabic, but I couldn’t. Hopefully a speaker of Arabic will translate it for me, and I’ll update this post. Journalist Yaheya Swaree says that the Coalition ground forces have surrounded the Houthis on three sides at Marib. On August 3,…


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“I’m no expert, but you’re wrong.”

Last summer, about 98.9 percent of the world’s Jew-haters contacted me to tell me that I was wrong about everything I posted on Israeli military actions. My posts were based on my knowledge of munitions, which I’ve studied for more than forty years. Actually, it’s getting closer to fifty years, since I started when I…


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