Thomas Wictor

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You’re hollow

We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! T.S. Eliot had your number. He thought things were bad in 1925. Well, he didn’t live to see social media. The repulsive, lipless, Jew-hating, death’s-head hag who wrote that is an idiot. Suicide bombing dates to March 13,…


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The Iranian mullahs enter their final days

Big news for the Iranian mullahs. WASHINGTON (AP) — Overcoming ferocious opposition, President Barack Obama secured a legacy-defining foreign policy victory Wednesday as Senate Democrats clinched the necessary votes to ensure the Iran nuclear agreement survives in Congress. The decisive 34th commitment came from Maryland Democrat Barbara Mikulski, who is retiring next year after three…


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Trust only me

In terms of current events, I mean. Trust me to not lie to you. I’m biased, yes, but I tell you that up front. And despite my biases, I won’t lie in order to convince you of something. Though I support Israel and now the Saudi-led Coalition, I won’t write propaganda about them. I’ve been…


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Pro-Palestinians and their inhuman, utterly destructive degeneracy

Activists who are themselves Palestinian include a large number of truly heroic reformers. However, pro-Palestinians from outside the culture collect photos of dead children. It’s a sexual fetish. There’s no doubt about it. Every one of the degenerates below sent me thousands of photos of dead, mutilated children. If you ever find yourself arguing with…


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A very rough day

Yes, it was a very rough day. I finally returned to a project that I’ve been neglecting because it represents so much negativity. Murder, lies, being played for a fool, mental illness, evil, injustice… But enough about my marriage. No, I was never married. I did ask one woman to marry me, and she said,…


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Palestinian bat child captured in West Bank!

Yesterday the world was electrified by the news that the IDF had captured a Palestinian bat child in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. The video showed the child and his bat-relatives using high-pitched screams as echolocation in order to identify targets for the rocks they threw. When an Israeli soldier briefly detained the…


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The death of Palestinian perversity

Here’s my prediction: Palestinian perversity will soon be a thing of the past. We won’t be subjected to repulsive, dehumanizing spectacles like this anymore. It’s totally clear what happened: The Palestinians sent out their children and their fat, frog-faced women to create anti-Israel propaganda. They threw rocks at an Israeli soldier, tore off his gas…


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Munitions don’t lie

I’m a big fan of the truth. Too much of my life has been spent in the thrall of shameless liars. It’s fun to expose them. For some reason the worst liars on earth these days are “human rights” and aid organizations. It’s clear that they’ll say whatever the biggest donors ask them to say,…


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The downside of figuring things out

All my life, I wanted to know “Why?” It’s the reason I was never able to be religious or to join any group. Usually I was told, “Because I say so,” or “Because that’s the way it is,” or “You ask too many questions.” I could never give up my hard-earned understanding of how things…


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A special place in hell

My mother’s favorite expression was, “There’s a special place in hell for—” Then she’d mentioned someone who’d abused their trust. Teachers or clerics who abused children. Cops who took bribes from criminals. Politicians who lived lives of corruption and debauchery while piously broadcasting their churchiness. Personally, I hope there’s a special place in hell for…


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