Thomas Wictor

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A novelist, once

I planned on being a novelist, but after my parents died, and my publicists turned out to be frauds who robbed me of my life’s savings, I gave up on it. Today a deranged woman on Twitter kept using the word “novelist” to insult me. Since she’s illiterate, has no factual knowledge, and hates Jews,…


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Saudi Arabia confirms greatest deception operation

Son of a gun! I was right: The Iran nuclear deal is indeed the greatest deception operation in history. Saudi Arabia has just confirmed it. Though the Saudis didn’t come right out and say so, they may as well have. That’s why I’m writing about it. The Iranians know what’s coming, but they’re in denial….


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Don’t feel sorry for them

Social media is a place for people to unwittingly expose much more of themselves than they intended. If someone is stupid enough to use their real name and business as they tweet out their rabid Jew-hate, I see no reason to protect them from themselves. One such implacable monomaniac is Joanne Stowell, a photographer in…


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Timeline of history’s greatest deception operation

I decided to create a timeline of the greatest deception operation in history, otherwise known as the Iranian nuclear deal. Both the Saudis and Israelis have stated in plain language that they’ll use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and by now the Iranians know that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action…


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Repayment for the Best Interview Ever

Can’t post tonight. Here’s my account of how a record company helped me out after I conducted the best interview ever of one of its stars. Repayment for the best interview ever After “Gene Simmons: Call Him Doctor Love” was published in Bass Player, I did something for the first and only time in my…


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And you thought the lies about Israel were bad…

It’s a dangerous time in our history. It appears that almost everyone can be bought. The lies about Israel told during Operation Protective Edge were just the beginning. As far as I can tell, everything being reported about Yemen is untrue. My guess is that journalists and members of “human rights” organizations have been bought…


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In praise of war (and flamethrowers)

Clutch your pearls, girls. Get ready to faceplant the fainting couch. This post is about the courageous, exceptionally moral decision that the Sunni Arabs and Israel have made to go to war with Iran. It’s now clear that the goal is regime change, not simply destroying the Iranian nuclear program. “Good hunting, men and women,”…


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The end of jihadist terrorism

People have expressed concern that I’m revealing too much by talking about my theory that the Iranian nuclear deal—formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—is actually the most daring military deception operation in the history of the world. I believe that the JCPOA is designed to be so horribly suicidal that it will…


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An onslaught of imposters

An explanation is in order. Currently it’s impossible for me to keep up with my personal correspondence. I get messages from people asking me why I haven’t answered them. It’s because I can’t. What happened is that my research into the murders of Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr caused me to…


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Some people have to be killed

I’m embarrassed by how weak and fatuous western culture has become. Studying World War I entails reading the memoirs of soldiers. A century ago civilized societies were far more realistic about life. They recognized that some people have to be killed in order to benefit the world. Here’s a story that I don’t buy on…


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