Thomas Wictor

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The most important story of your life

The most important story of your life just took a dramatic turn. I think events will begin to speed up now. What happened? Well, this. ISIS Used Mustard Gas Against Kurdish Forces in Iraq, U.S. Believes U.S. officials believe the terror group ISIS used chemical weapons in Iraq this week, defense and intelligence officials said…


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Some faith is based on knowledge

One of the more tedious aspects of social media is the pathological need that people have to “debate.” What they’re actually trying to do is force their own beliefs on others. The ethos of “Live and let live” doesn’t exist in social media. Social-media absolutists go crazy over faith. To them, faith is a childlike…


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Why the press promotes evil

Have you ever wondered why the knee-jerk reaction of the press is to promote evil over good? Look at any war, and you’ll see that monstrous savages such as Saddam Hussein, the Iranian mullahs, the North Koreans, the Khmer Rouge, or Hezbollah are presented in the best possible light. They’re also made out to be…


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Vanity is my favorite sin

“Vanity is definitely my favorite sin,” says Satan in the film The Devil’s Advocate. It’s my favorite sin too, but for the opposite reason: Self-love—a miserably unhappy version of it—is what defines evil people. Because of their vanity, we can easily defeat them. I spent a year studying the Hamas military deception (MILDEC) operation that…


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The Saudis have studied the master

Sun Tzu (544 BC - 496 BC) was a Chinese general and author of The Art of War. It’s absolutely clear that the Saudis have studied him. All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are…


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The ruin caused by political orthodoxy

I’m completely apolitical. The bug in the system is humans. Voters and politicians make it impossible for me to care about politics. Although I vote, I do so with the same excitement that I feel when I take my cats to the vet to be treated for fleas. Some political philosophies are magnificent on paper,…


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The hilarious irony of conspiracy theories

I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist. That’s deeply stupid. Everything I write is based on examining open-source material and genuine forensic evidence. I don’t make up crap, such as accusing the Israelis of using dense inert-metal explosive (DIME) weapons. Also, I apply the Snowden Test to all conspiracy theories: A silly fabulist who doesn’t even…


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There are a LOT of first times happening

Here are some of the first times that are happening in the world of military exercises. March 4, 2015: Azerbaijani Air Force join first ever military drills abroad Turkish and Azerbaijani air forces started joint drills in Turkey’s Konya region on March 3. The exercise turned to be remarkable as it is the Azerbaijani Air…


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Yasser Arafat was a Soviet operative

Last night my air conditioner broke. It’s the hottest time of the year in Southern California, so I wasn’t able to sleep. It took all day to find a replacement, but we won’t be able to install it until tomorrow. I’m too tired and dizzy to write. So here’s an article I read about Yasser…


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Greatest deception operation absolutely confirmed

I’m now firmly convinced that the Iran nuclear deal is the greatest deception operation ever carried out. Today a friend confirmed it to me. I’ve decided to not reveal the details of my proof. Everything else I’ve written about is open source. For example, Eager Lion 2015. The US and Jordanian armed forces published photos…


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