Thomas Wictor

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No documentary on the Bakr boys

With regret, I have to announce that the documentary I had made on the Bakr boys will not be released. I’ve been trying for a year now. It’s time to move on. I wanted a short film that would expose the murders of Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr as part of…


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Greatest deception operation crystallizes

The Iran nuclear deal is deranged on every level—unless it’s actually a plan to destroy the world’s leading state sponsor of international terrorism. I recently wrote about the fact that the US trained Jordanian joint terminal attack controllers (JTACs) how to operate with strategic bombers. Well, it turns out that there’s MUCH MORE to that…


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A reincarnated post

Today I hung out with several of my mother’s friends from the Historical Society. It’s the first time I’ve seen them since Mom died. I have mixed feelings, since only one of them visited Mom in the hospital. A person who isn’t my favorite anyway decided to try and pick a fight with me about…


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A mutual dance of destruction

Until today, I had no idea how many Israelis and Jews waltz with the Palestinians in a mutual dance of destruction. When I heard that an 18-month-old infant named Ali Saad Dawabsha was killed after his house in Duma, Nablus, was set on fire, I expected the world’s Jew-haters to vomit out their poison. However,…


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Life in a portal city

I live in a portal city. By that I mean it’s a portal to hell. My brother Tim and I are the only humans left. Everyone else has become…other. The people across the street have four adult daughters. They’re like the Kardashians, except morbidly obese. The mother must be fused to the sofa by now….


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Greatest deception operation confirmed?

Earlier I posted “The greatest deception operation in human history?” It asked if the Iranian nuclear deal was actually a plan by the P5+1 nations to trigger a war in the Middle East that would eliminate the world’s main sponsor of international terrorism. My reasoning is twofold: 1) the deal is utterly indefensible, stupid, dishonest,…


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A book for morons and Jew-haters

I won’t be buying Max Blumenthal’s The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza. It’s a book for cretinous Jew-haters too stupid and passive to think for themselves. Still, it’s fun to debunk the claims that Blumenthal makes. Full disclosure: He once singled me out on Twitter for some reason. A “truther” is someone…


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It’s about controlling your fear

Denial and self-delusion fascinate me. I just read an article I can’t recommend enough: “Captured ISIS Fighter: Joining Extremists in Syria Ruined My Life.” It confirms everything I thought about the caliber of people who join the Islamic State. This idiotic twenty-four-year-old Turk believed all the propaganda he saw, so he didn’t know that being…


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The greatest deception operation in human history?

Is the nuclear deal with Iran actually the greatest deception operation ever executed? I’m not saying I believe that, but I read something today that made me wonder. First, under any rubric, the nuclear deal is impossible to defend. 1. All limitations on the amount of uranium Iran can enrich will expire in the future….


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Be like my mother

My mother and I didn’t get along. It wasn’t her fault; I can’t explain our problem because that would violate her privacy. She was stuck with me. Staunchly pro-life, she couldn’t have had me aborted, and everyone knew she was pregnant with me, so she couldn’t have given me up for adoption. In the last…


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