Thomas Wictor

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The worthless Palestinian casualty lists

I’m not here to tell anyone how they should or shouldn’t use the Palestinian casualty lists. My own opinion is that they’re worthless and should be completely ignored. I know that people are impressed that Israel “killed less than one civilian per combatant,” but I believe that Israel killed almost no civilians. This is what…


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Jihadist terrorism will always fail

It amazes me that people still believe the press about anything, but on the other hand, that works to the advantage of civilization. Jihadist terrorism is in the process of failing spectacularly—yet again—and the reason is that the terrorists believe both their own press and the swooning prattle of the western media. Prior to July…


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Even the mentally ill must show character

I’ve just read a piece about the Chattanooga jihadist (I won’t mention his name) who murdered four US Marines and a sailor at a naval training station on July 16, 2015. Four New York Times reporters wrote “In Chattanooga, a Young Man in a Downward Spiral.” It’s a very sympathetic piece that doesn’t even mention…


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The Iranians believe me

I know I said last night that I’m not going to try to convince people anymore that Israel will defend herself. Well, today I got some completely unhinged messages from Israelis and Jews, so I’ll try one last time. If the Iranians want to talk to me about my theories, it means I’m right. And…


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Achieving the impossible

“With willing hearts and skillful hands, the difficult we do at once; the impossible takes a bit longer.” —Inscription on the National Memorial to the “Seabees” The U.S. Naval Construction Battalions Today someone asked me to comment on the article “The Day Israel Died,” by Kurt Schlichter. An excerpt. With the Mossad’s assessment in hand…


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The suicidal innocence of abusers

Iran expects that Israel will do nothing to defend itself. This is because abusers are as innocent as toddlers. Those who commit great acts of evil are never prepared for the inevitable day when their victims turn the tables on them. By being abusive, what you do is train the abused to respond with even…


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I am a liability

People still ask me why the Israeli Military Advocate General (MAG) Corps concluded that the IDF accidentally killed Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr on the beach in Gaza, July 16, 2014. I can’t tell you why the MAG Corps came to its conclusion, but I can say this without any doubt:…


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What else don’t we know about?

Yesterday I learned about an Israeli weapon that has been used in battle for thirty years. The IDF concealed its existence so well that I had no clue that this thing was around. On July 14, 2015, the Israeli Defense Forces revealed that they had this weapon. Why now? Well, it’s because they want the…


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A break from talking about the Iran nuclear deal

I’m taking a break from fighting people about the Iran nuclear deal. Here’s a giant post to make everyone go away. A Memory of Belgrade During the 1999 NATO air war against the former Yugoslavia, I watched a news report about how the Serbian Interior Ministry in Belgrade was blown up by a cruise missile….


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If you’re panicking, don’t contact me

I make my living as an investor. It’s hard because some people are happy only if they’re panicking. They sell at the slightest hint of…well, anything. Because of these unreachable, inconsolable morons, I suffer massive paper losses. A month later, I’ve earned it all back. The panicking is completely irrational. My father’s hobby was panicking….


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