Thomas Wictor

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Looking at the news today, I haven’t seen anybody say that Israel is going to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Instead, all I’m reading is doom-crying. Maybe people just don’t know what’s real and what isn’t, but Iran is going to get its comeuppance. You can quote me. President Obama said recently that you…


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Israel issues its final warning

If we could harness denial and use it as a source of energy, every machine on earth could chug happily along for all eternity. The Israelis have said in plain language that they will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. The P5+1 nations have convinced themselves that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is bluffing….


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Fatah confirms Gaza beach deception operation

Completely by accident, I discovered today that the Palestinian political party Fatah has confirmed that Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr were killed as part of a military deception operation that Hamas carried out on the beach at Gaza, July 16, 2014. There’s no longer any doubt, as I’ll show you in…


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Amnesty International’s lying Gaza Platform

Amnesty International has invested untold millions of its donations in an interactive application called the Gaza Platform. The thing is extremely hard to use. More importantly, it’s totally dishonest. Amnesty International is now an official propaganda arm of the Hamas Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades, the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades,…


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Keeping it simple for the stupid

After the psychopath Dylann Roof murdered nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 17, 2015, the United States lost its mind. Roof declared himself to be a racist and a supporter of the Confederacy; the nation—encouraged by politicians, pundits, academics, and activists—went into a frenzy of moral preening by…


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Fighting to the death means you lose

A breathless piece by the Associated Press would have you believe that the Islamic State is winning by fighting to the death. I was very glad to see this, because it means that the Islamic State is militarily stupid and will lose much faster than I had anticipated. History proves that throwing away your life…


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The strange case of Ussayed Qaddous

Today I was looking up a different incident when I came across the story of a Palestinian teenager named Ussayed Qaddous, also spelled Osaid Kaddous. He and his cousin were reported killed by the Israeli Defense Forces on March 10, 2010, at the village of Iraq Burin, in the West Bank. I stopped my search…


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Military deception (MILDEC)

Military deception (MILDEC) is actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military, paramilitary, or violent extremist organization decision makers, thereby causing the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment of the friendly mission. —Joint Chiefs of Staff United States Department of Defense Daily I get messages from angry people telling…


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In our republic, we get what we deserve

I lived in San Francisco from August of 1991 to August of 1993. From 1993 until 2003, I went back two or three times a year. I’ll never return. San Francisco is a laboratory for terrible ideas, but the residents view themselves as morally and intellectually superior to all who disagree with them. What some…


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