Thomas Wictor

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What they want is your despair

Last night I read a life-changing essay called “Isaiah’s Job,” by Arthur Jay Nock. It explained to me why I have the urge to keep on blogging in defense of Israel. To be frank, defending Israel is incredibly unpleasant due to endless personal attacks from Jew-haters. It’s also expensive. I’m using special technology designed for…


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He explains me much better than I can

I just came across the essay “Isaiah’s Job,” by Albert Jay Nock (October 13, 2023 - August 19, 2023). Nock was an author, an educational theorist, and a social critic. He explains me far better than I ever could. After reading his essay, I now know what my purpose is. First, Mr. Nock. I like…


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Israel’s declaration of war

It’s come to my attention that certain well-connected Israelis are angry at me for insisting that Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr were murdered by Hamas as part of an elaborate deception operation that took place on the beach at Gaza, July 16, 2014. I said that if the plan to discredit…


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Hamas confirms beach deception operation

A few days ago I saw Pierre Rehov’s completed film War Crimes in Gaza. Go to that link if you want to help promote the documentary and get a sneak peek. One of the Palestinians interviewed for the movie is Mohammed Abu al-Watfa. After I saw War Crimes in Gaza, something ate at me, but…


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Who wants to help promote a film?

Pierre Rehov is about to release his documentary War Crimes in Gaza. He’s asking people to help promote it. Here’s what he has to say about it and how you can donate. Now, we need to be clear about a few things so that you don’t feel that I misled you. This is not the…


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Proving the reality of the Hamas deception

The second I heard that Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr were reported killed on July 16, 2014, I knew that the truth was not being told. Therefore I invested thousands of irreplaceable hours of my life trying to figure out what happened. On June 11, 2015, the Israeli Military Advocate General…


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My latest acquisitions

I can’t post tonight for a variety of reasons. Mainly, I’ve had to spend the evening with my cats, who are terrified of the skyrockets that my slobbering, obese, mentally subpar neighbors have begun shooting off. My neighbors buy illegal Mexican municipal-level fireworks that are fired with mortars, so you hear a loud bang, three…


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I’ll never join your mob, so stop asking

Everything I say and do is carefully thought out. I don’t react to anything emotionally, because to be frank, I used up most of my emotions decades ago. Also, I don’t personalize things. So people need to stop telling me that I must say and do certain things. And everyone really should give up trying…


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My nausea prevents me from posting tonight. All the behind-the-scenes folderol having to do with my documentary—Operation Four Little Martyrs: A Hamas Deception that Fooled the World—has wiped me out. Stress is the worst thing for Meniere’s disease. It’s what exacerbates the symptoms more than anything. Every book I published relied on the cooperation of…


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The bomb in the trash bin

After almost a year of studying the photo and videos of the Hamas deception that I call Operation Four Little Martyrs, I was finally able to locate where the bodies of Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr were hidden on the beach. To recap, my theory is that Hamas murdered those three boys and…


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