Thomas Wictor

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What if I’m wrong?

The making of my documentary about the Hamas deception that I call Operation Four Little Martyrs is turbulent. The Israeli editor—I’ll call this person “Acapulco”—is fighting me every step of the way. Acapulco keeps asking me, “What if you’re wrong?” If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. So what? I finally had to lay down the law…


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A prayer for William Cox

I had a business associate name William Cox. Though we never met, we spoke on the phone. William was thirty-two. His best friend “Mark” told me a couple of days ago that William had committed suicide. He’d gone out in his car, parked in the nearby woods, run a garden hose from the exhaust pipe…


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A poll: Should I or shouldn’t I?

Here’s a poll for you. I need your advice because I honestly don’t know what to do. I’m making a documentary titled Operation Four Little Martyrs: A Hamas Deception that Fooled the World. Screenwriting and novel writing are totally different. Luckily I know a man named Phil who reads my work, laughs at it, and…


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Our current status: Rotten farce

[I]t really seems as though old Hegel, in the guise of the World Spirit, were directing history from the grave and, with the greatest conscientiousness, causing everything to be re-enacted twice over, once as grand tragedy and the second time as rotten farce[.] —Friedrich Engels, 1851 Engels was the co-inventor of Marxism. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich…


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An example of Hamas fraudulence

A few days ago, a passive-aggressive cutie-pie on Twitter did the old “Just asking questions” routine with me about my theory on who killed Ismail Bakr, Mohammed Bakr, Ahed Bakr, and Zakaria Bakr, said to have died on the beach at Gaza, July 16, 2014. This person ignored the screaming inconsistencies in the official story…


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Two French Jews I knew

Today on Twitter, I saw a tweet about French Jews. Here’s part of the story. FIve months after Paris terror attack targeting Jews, 25% more French Jews moved to Israel in early 2015 than in the same period in 2014 The number of French Jews who have made, or are making aliyah to Israel between…


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A face I’ll never forget

This is a face I’ll never forget. At the same time, I wish I’d never seen it. Yet I look at this photo every day. It reminds me that I’m not the center of the universe. As Jew-hating Twitter users never tire of pointing out to me, I suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress…


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Why so many people hate Jews

I’m nocturnal. It’s just the way I am. For two days in a row I’ve been awoken by early-morning calls, so tonight I’m unplugging the phone. At fifty-three and enjoying the fruits of several illnesses, I can’t bounce back anymore. Don’t bother calling me tomorrow morning. My crankiness accounts for tonight’s post, which explains in…


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In case they run out of ideas

Former Sony Pictures Entertainment chairwoman Amy Pascal started her own production company Pascal Pictures after she left her former position. Someone told me that Pascal is looking for ideas. Well, my book Hallucinabulia: The Dream diary of an Unintended Solitarian has enough material for a hundred films. I’m just trying to be helpful. You know,…


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Stop telling me what to write

I’m being flooded with messages from people telling me what to write. You need to stop it. The main reason you have to knock this off is that you’re living in a fantasy world. I deal only with reality. In fact I have no patience whatsoever for people who delude themselves. Both my parents refused…


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