Thomas Wictor

A poll: Should I or shouldn’t I?

A poll: Should I or shouldn’t I?

Here’s a poll for you. I need your advice because I honestly don’t know what to do.

I’m making a documentary titled Operation Four Little Martyrs: A Hamas Deception that Fooled the World. Screenwriting and novel writing are totally different. Luckily I know a man named Phil who reads my work, laughs at it, and tells me what I did wrong.

Phil read my script and told me that I hadn’t explained enough. He was right. I made an elementary mistake: I’m so familiar with the material that I forgot that nobody else knows it as well as I do. So before I ask you for your advice, here are some clarifications.

1. What was the purpose of the four decoys who hid under and behind cement slabs on the breakwater and then ran to the al-Deira Hotel?


Their job was to tell reporters how the evil Israelis has targeted them while they were playing on the beach. Hamas needed survivors. If all the boys were dead, who would be there to accuse the IDF of deliberately murdering children playing football on the beach?

The decoys had to survive, which is why they were hidden from the infrared cameras of the Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). I’m positive that Hamas also understands that UAV operators use black-hot infrared in desert climates.


Hamas therefore knew that when the missile exploded, the heat would basically blind the UAV operators for several seconds. That would give the decoys the opportunity to run. Hamas didn’t want all the boys killed. Some children had to live so that they could accuse Israel of murdering their relatives.

2. Am I saying that the IDF didn’t fire two missiles?

No. I’m saying that there’s no evidence of a second missile. No crater and no missile parts. That doesn’t mean that the IDF didn’t fire two missiles. It just means that I’ve been able to uncover no evidence of two missiles. The Military Advocate General (MAG) report wasn’t detailed enough for me to determine where the second missile hit. The first one struck the steel shipping container in the upper corner.


3. Am I saying that Hamas set off an IED behind the group of children running to the al-Deira Hotel?

I thought that before, but now I can’t say one way or the other. The reporters are all liars. Jonathan Miller of Channel 4 News said this.

An Explosion, Then Bloodied Children: What I Saw on Gaza Beach

We had just come back to the Al Deira Hotel from reporting at a hospital and was about to edit our piece for Channel 4 when it happened.

There had been a lot of heavy shellfire and outgoing rockets all day, and I was standing by the hotel window when there was the loudest, god-almighty explosion. I saw smoke rising from the beach and from a little hut.

Well, but his TV report said this. Just watch the first few seconds.

This is Miller crossing the street to the al-Deira.


He asks, “Can you just tell me where it was? Was it in the al-Deira?”

“No, on the beach,” someone answers.

Now here’s Miller running toward the al-Deira, the brown building in the background.


“There have been two very, very loud bangs just within a minute of each other there, just across from our hotel. We think it’s on the beach,” he says.

To me, all of that adds up to “Jonathan Miller was not staying in the al-Deira.”

But he wrote this: “We had just come back to the Al Deira Hotel…”

So he was staying in the al-Deira, heard two explosions, saw smoke rising from the breakwater, put on his body armor and helmet, ran outside and crossed the street, turned around and came back, asked someone if the explosions had happened at the al-Deira, and then returned to the al-Deira while saying that he thought the detonations had happened on the beach behind the hotel across the street from his.

On Twitter, someone asked him if Hamas had led him to the beach.

“Well, the beach wasn’t hard to find, since it was right behind our hotel,” Miller said.

That’s what’s called a “dodge.” My research has shown that not a single reporter staying in the al-Deira at 4:10 p.m. on July 16, 2014, walked down to the breakwater. Not one reporter in the al-Deira took a photo or any video of the four boys running toward them as an explosion may or may not have gone off behind or among them.




And nobody filmed the beach until all the reporters had left. From the rushes I bought, here’s the entire press contingent leaving the beach after Ismail Bakr’s body was taken away by ambulance.



Jonathan Miller also said that when he was in Gaza, he was never pressured by Hamas, and he was allowed to film anything he wanted.

Uh-huh. That’s Why Channel 4 News gave us all that footage of rocket launches, Hamas fighters coming out of tunnels, and Palestinian civilians locked in their houses so that they’d die.

One last thing before the poll: Tonight on my walk, I figured out where Hamas hid the bodies of Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr. They were in this steel trash bin behind the Avenue Restaurant and Coffee Shop.


That’s why even though there was an explosion, there’s no crater. The plan was that right after the missile hit, an IED in the trash bin would blow the three dead boys onto the beach. That way they’d be lying there when the journalists arrived. But the IED malfunctioned. The press arrived so quickly—led by their Hamas minders—that the terrorists had to park the ambulance across the beach from the breakwater so that all the reporters could then be herded away.

Hamas sent a bomber to try and defuse the IED, but it exploded and killed him. That’s when the whole operation was put on hold. They pulled the boys from the bin and then went through the motions of rushing them to the ambulance, and the whole time there was a guy standing over the blown-apart bomber to make sure nobody photographed him. But my video shows him lying there like a sack of manure. His head, arms, and pants are gone.

Here’s the bin after the explosion.


It had an open top, so all the explosive force went upward, leaving the steel walls unscathed. See how much more garbage there is on the ground than before? Well, Passive-Aggressive Hayley: I figured it out, didn’t I?

Now the poll. I’m going to upload a horrible photo of Ismail Bakr, lying dead on the breakwater.

This is the link to the photo. Let me describe it first, because you won’t be able to figure out what you’re seeing.

He’s lying on his back, not his front. That’s his chest; his collarbones are visible. His head is thrown back so that you can’t see his face. What they did was remove his pelvis so that they could fold him in half to bring him to the beach. His legs are tucked under him. He has no bones in his waist, so that’s why it looks as if he’s been cut in half.

But he’s actually whole, except that his pelvis has been removed. He also has several extremely large, gruesome wounds on his arms and legs. Those were caused by cutting instruments. He was butchered.

The photo proves that he was not killed by the IDF. No munition in existence can cause that kind of injury, and there’s no blood.

So my question to you is this: Should I use this footage in my documentary?

Yes or no. You don’t have to give me a reason. Just give me advice, because I’m honestly at a loss. I want to show the world what Hamas did, but I don’t want to desecrate Ismail Bakr further.

So help me decide, please.

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