Thomas Wictor

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There was no Hannibal Directive massacre in Rafah

Studying Operation Protective Edge has confirmed my greatest fear about my fellow humans: To make people believe something, all you need to do is tell them about it. They require no evidence. One of the many lies spread about Israel is that on August 1, 2014, the IDF massacred up to 190 Palestinian civilians in…


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Angry journalist is OUTRAGED! Outrageously so.

Peter Beaumont of the Guardian is one angry journalist! He’s also a scurrilous maligner and a bearer of false witness. We’ll get to that in a minute. But first, I must address something I’m being asked: No, I won’t “debunk” the Israeli Defense Forces’ conclusion on the case of Ismail Bakr, Mohammed, Bakr, Ahed Bakr,…


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The IDF conclusion on the Bakr boys

Today the Israeli Defense Forces released the results of their investigation into the deaths of the four Bakr boys on the Gaza Beach, July 16, 2014. You can read the statement that spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner made on his Facebook page. Let me say right away that I’m not going to argue with the IDF….


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Israel didn’t kill 500 Palestinian children

Almost a year after Operation Protective Edge ended, Jew-haters are once again making the ludicrous accusation that Israel killed more than 500 children during the conflict. The true number will never be known, but it’s time to put this fairy tale to rest once and for all. We’ll use the list of names provided by…


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Choosing to refrain

One of my artistic heroes is the actor Ned Beatty. He can do anything, but I admire him most for the film Deliverance. In an excruciating scene, Beatty is raped by another man after being stripped naked and humiliated. I could never figure out how Beatty had the courage to let all of that be…


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Unsolicited advice for Israelis and Jews

Never in the history of humankind has one group of people misunderstood itself so thoroughly. It’s not the fault of Israelis and Jews; I’ll show you how nobody can withstand being pounded on the head with a sledgehammer day after day after day. Then I’m going to offer some unsolicited advice. You’ll think it’s unfair….


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Holocaust inversion

Today several Jewish people asked me the definition of the term “Holocaust inversion.” It’s the Jew-haters’ organized campaign to cast Israel as the new Nazi Germany and the Palestinians as the Jews. The goal is to delegitimize Israel to the point that the world will do nothing to prevent the extermination of the Jews. This…


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Confessions of a food photographer

I was never a food photographer, but I knew one. He told me all the secrets of the trade. To me it was like talking to an alchemist, magician, and spy all rolled into one. He couldn’t understand why I found his job so fascinating. One confession of my own that I’ll make up front…


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The only solution is military

Today Junaid Hussain made a threat on Twitter. A member of the Islamic State, he goes by the nom de guerre Abu Hussain al-Britani. Hussain is a British citizen, a twenty-year-old hacker from Birmingham. Although the US is certainly going to take any threat from the Islamic State seriously, Hussain promised that the Freedom of…


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Angel of death, angel of mercy

A short post tonight. I’ve remembered that which I’d blocked out all my life. It was time, apparently, because remembering hasn’t destroyed me. Instead, it’s explained everything, including my lifelong fascination with the Angel of Death. I’d always loved Saint Michael the Archangel. I’m not religious, so it might seem strange that one of my…


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