Thomas Wictor

The worthless Palestinian casualty lists

The worthless Palestinian casualty lists

I’m not here to tell anyone how they should or shouldn’t use the Palestinian casualty lists. My own opinion is that they’re worthless and should be completely ignored. I know that people are impressed that Israel “killed less than one civilian per combatant,” but I believe that Israel killed almost no civilians. This is what I’ve determined through my own research.

900 combatants killed by IDF (Source: IDF) +
769 dead from natural causes (Source: CIA Factbook) +
120 Fatah members killed by Hamas (Source: Mahmoud Abbas) +
400 opposition members killed by Hamas (Source: Gatestone Institute) +
50 protestors killed by Hamas (Source: World Tribune) +
38 “collaborators” killed by Hamas (Source: Palestinian Press News Agency) +
100 civilians killed by Hamas in Shijaiyah (Source: Palestinian witnesses) +
400 civilians accidentally killed by terrorists (Source: personal research) +
200 terrorists counted as civilians (Source: personal research) +
85 females killed by domestic violence (Source: personal research) +
160 child combatants (Source: personal research) +
50 people listed twice (Source: personal research) +
50 people who did not die (Source: personal research) =

However, the Palestinian Ministry of Health says that 2100 Palestinians were killed. Looking at every report I could find and studying all the names gave me an additional 1200 deaths. Since that’s not possible, it means that all the numbers being used are fraudulent.

To show you how mind numbing it would be for me to post all my research, I’ll use just one example. In the Battle of Shijaiyah (July 20, 2023), the Palestinians reported 65 to 85 deaths. It wouldn’t be possible for me to study the Arabic-language casualty lists, because there’s no standard way to render names in the Roman alphabet. I have to rely on English-language sources.

The only site that posted the date and place of most Palestinians killed is the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC). Here are the names of all the Palestinians killed in Shijaiyah on July 20, 2014. Remember, you asked me to do this.

Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Adwan, 39
Mohammad Khalil Aref Ahl, 65
Mohammad Raed Ehsan Akeela, 19
Abdullah Mansour Radwan Amara, 23
Asem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4
Eman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9
Ibrahim Khalil Abed Ammar, 13
Fatima Abdul-Rahim Abu Ammouna, 55
Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55
‘Abdul Karim Fathi Ahmed al-‘Ar’ir, 34
Fathi Sami Fathi al-‘Ar’ir, 20
Hassan Fathi Ahmad al-‘Ar’ir, 39
Mohammed Rafiq Sa’id al-‘Ar’ir, 30
Sami Fathi Ahmed al-‘Ar’ir, 50
Mohammad Ahmed Kamel Abu al-‘Ata, 32
Mohammad Mahmoud Sa’id Abu al-‘Ata, 28
Tala Akram Ahmad al-Atawy, 7
Ahmad Sami Diab Ayyad, 27
Fida Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24
Ghada Sobhi Saadi Ayyad, 9
Halla Sobhi Sa’dy Ayyad, 25
Husam Ayman Mohareb Ayyad, 23
Mohammad Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6
Mohammad Raed Ehsan Ayyad, 6
Mohammad Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2
Rebhi Shehta Ayyad, 31
Mona Abdul-Rahman Ayyad, 42
Narmin Rafiw Diab Ayyad, 20
Sherin Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18
Ahmad Mohammad Azzam, 19
Azmi Khaled Yousef Badwan, 16
Khaled Yousef Mohammed Badwan, 48
Mohammed ‘Essam Dib Abu Balta, 28
Ala Jamal ed-Deen Barda, 35
Adham Majed Yousef Dhaher, 18
Mahmoud Ra’ed Mahmoud al-‘Eish, 23
Ala Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 11
Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem, 29
Dima Adel Abdullah Eslayyem, 2
Dina Roshdi Abdullah Eslayyem, 2
Fadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 10
Shadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 15
Aref Ibrahim al-Ghalyeeni, 26
Fadi ‘Abdul Qader ‘Abdul Malek Habib, 31
Farid Abdul-Khader Abdul-Malik Habib, 38
Yousef Salem Hatmo Habib, 62
‘Abdul Rahman Ziad Hassan Abu Hain, 28
Mohammad Mahmoud Rajab Hajjaj, 32
Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad, 25 (Journalist)
Eman Mohammad Ibrahim Hamada, 40
Esra Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28
Yasser Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28
Ghada Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10
Omar Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10
Hallah Saqer Hasan al-Hayya, 29
Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7
Osama Khalil Ismael al-Hayya, 30
Umama Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 9
Abdul-Kareem Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu
Ahmad Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 27
Hidaya Talal al-Hilu, 25
Jihad Mahmoud Hamed al-Hilu, 59
Karam Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu, 5 months
Maram Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu, 2
Mohammad Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 29
Najiya Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 15
Siham ‘Ata al-Hilu, 57
Tahreer Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 20
Karam Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu, 5 months
Fuad Jaber, 28, Medic
Marah Shaker Ahmad al-Jammal, 2
Rahaf Akram Ismael Abu Joma, 4
Mohammad Ali Mohared Jundiyya, 38
Abdul-Rahman Akram Sheikh Khalil, 24
Heba Hamed Mohammad Sheikh Khalil, 13
Mona Suleiman Ahmad Sheikh Khalil, 49
Ismael al-Kordi, 21
Tawfiq Barawi Salem Marshoud, 52
Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbeh, 53
Younis Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62
Raed Mansour Nayfa
Marwan Monir Saleh Qonfid, 23
Ahmad Ishaq Yousef Ramlawy, 33
Fahmi Abdul-Aziz Abu Said, 29
Ibrahim Salem Joma as-Sahbani, 20
Ahed Saad Mousa Sarsak, 30
Maisa Abdul-Rahman Sarsawy, 37
Marwa Salman Ahmad Sarsawy, 13
Salem Khalil Salem Shemaly, 22
Khadija Ali Mousa Shihada, 62
Akram Mohammad Shkafy, 63
Mos’ab el-Kheir Salah ed-Din Skafi, 27
Anas Akram Skafi, 18
Sa’ad Akram Skafi, 18
Issam Atiyya Said Skafy, 26
Ali Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 27
Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 53
Hatem Ziad Ali Zabout, 24
Mohammad Ziad Ali Zabout, 23
Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28
Aisha Ali Mahmoud Zayed, 54
Abed-Rabbo Ahmad Zayed, 58

It’s 102 names, which I’ve alphabetized. I can’t corroborate every name with the Ministry of Health (MOH) list for two reasons:

1. The Ministry of Health list spells the names completely differently.

2. The Ministry of Health list scatters the names all over the place and doesn’t tell us the date or place of death.

It would take me months to cross reference the IMEMC list with the MOH list. There’s no point in putting all that time into it, as I’ll show you.

I also used the Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights (AMCHR) list of children killed during the war.

To demonstrate how difficult this research is, here’s just one name and its three renditions, depending on the source.

Asaleem (MOH)
Eslayyem (IMEMC)
Isleem (AMCHC)

I’m using IMEMC as the master list, since it’s the only one that provides date and place of death. Here’s the first problem, a woman listed twice.

Fatima Abdul-Rahim Abu Ammouna, 55
Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55

Next, we have living people listed.

Salem Khalil Salem Shemaly, 22

This is the young man in the green shirt, “shot by an Israeli sniper.”


Not only does the video of the shooting show the worst acting ever captured on camera, the Shemaly family blatantly lied about what happened. They identified Salem’s body in the hospital on camera for NBC News.


But they told mental patient Max Blumenthal that that they themselves recovered the body from the rubble after it had been bombed, burned, and crapped on by mechanical Israeli coal-powered pterodactyls.

Okay, I added the last part, in homage to the Shemaly family making up everything Blumenthal wrote. The NBC News video refutes it all.


Back to the IMEMC list. Another reason that it’s without value is that it disguises terrorists as civilians.

Anas Akram Skafi.


Sa’ad Akram Skafi.


Ali Mohammad Hasan Skafy.


Mos’ab el-Kheir Salah ed-Din Skafi is referred to in a video as a “martyred commander.”

Moussaeb al-Skafi.2

Issam Atiyya Said Skafy worked for the Ministry of Education, which is run by Hamas.


In Gaza schools are weapons depots and combat posts. I’m calling him a combatant.

Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad.


“Paramedic” Fuad Jaber was killed with Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad.


They were both in an ambulance, which means it was being used to transport weapons and/or terrorists. The lack of severe wounds on both men indicates that the IDF used a very small anti-personnel missile.

The IMEMC list of 102 names includes 63 military-aged males. Since we know that the Palestinians use women and girls as combatants, I’m positive that some of the female names represent people killed in action.

You need to know something about weaponry to understand the next point. The IDF attacked Shijaiyah with infantry, mortars, armored fighting vehicles, UAVs, tanks, artillery, and fighter-bombers. How would this happen?

Asem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4
Eman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9
Ibrahim Khalil Abed Ammar, 13

How would three children be killed, and nobody else in their family died? The answer is that they weren’t children, or they were some of the 100 Palestinians murdered by Hamas.


The Israelis don’t have munitions that kill only children.

Finally, the three lists (MOH, IMEMC, AMCHR) don’t match.


Ala Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 11
Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem, 29
Dima Adel Abdullah Eslayyem, 2
Dina Roshdi Abdullah Eslayyem, 2
Fadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 10
Shadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 15

AMCHR (children).

Shadi Ziyad Isleem, 16, male
Fadi Ziyad Isleem, 10, male
Ali Ziyad Isleem, 11, male
Dina Adel Isleem, 3, female


354. Adel Abdallah Salem Asaleem, 38, male
381. Fadi Ziad Hassan Asaleem, 9, male
385. Ola Ziad Hassan Asaleem, 11, female
382. Shadi Ziad Hassan Asaleem, 15, male

The lists don’t match in terms names or age. Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem was either 29 or 38, and Dima Adel Abdullah Eslayyem doesn’t appear on the other two lists.

Another family.


Hallah Saqer Hasan al-Hayya, 29
Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7
Osama Khalil Ismael al-Hayya, 30
Umama Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 9


363. Hala Saqer Hussein Alhaiya, 28, female
357. Khalil Osama Khalil Alhaiya, 6, male
358. Osama Khalil Ismaeel Alhaiya, 29, male
362. Amamah Osama Khalil Alhaiya, 8, female

AMCHR (children).

Khalil Usama Al Hayya, 5, male
Hamza Usama Al Hayya, 4, male
Amama Usama Al Hayya, 6, female

Hamza Al Hayya does not appear on the other two lists.

Then there’s this complete madness: The Ayyad family.


Husam Ayman Mohareb Ayyad, 23
Ghada Sobhi Saadi Ayyad, 9
Mohammad Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6
Mohammad Raed Ehsan Ayyad, 6
Mohammad Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2
Ghada Sobhi Saadi Ayyad, 9

AMCHR (children).

Mohammed Rami Ayyad, 3, male
Mohammed Ashraf Ayyad, 3, male
Ghada Subhi Ayyad, 13, female.


356. Hala Subhi Saaedie Eiyad, 24, female
370. Mohamed Rami Fathi Eiyad, 2, male
372. Gada Subhi Saadi Eiyad, 11, female
673. Mohamed Naser Atia Eiyad, 25, male
665. Hussam Ahmed Eiyad, 24, male
674. Hussam Ayman Muhareb Eiyad, 23, male
1797. Mohamed Adel Aleiyadi, 28, Male

Was Ghada-Hala 9, 11, 13, or 24? And what was her real name? What about all those Mohameds and Hussams? This is another flaw of the Palestinian lists: They deliberately mix up names and give us the wrong gender.


422. Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Alsekafi, 53, female

How long would a woman named Mohamed survive in Gaza?

I could go on and on and on. But I think you’ll agree that I’ve made my point. This is just one day’s worth of names. There are forty-nine more days to study, if you have the desire. I myself reject virtually everything the Palestinians say about who was killed by the Israelis. The Palestinians do sometimes tell the truth, but 99.99 percent of the time, they’re lying.


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