Thomas Wictor

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Militarized police have their place

I perfectly understand the concern that people have about militarized police. However, in Garland, Texas, today, the militarized police functioned as they were intended. Two heavily armed Muslim terrorists attacked an event called the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. Pamela Geller is planning a “Draw the Prophet” event in Garland, Texas in the same location…


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Pallywood from the al-Nusra Front

The al-Nusra Front is the official al-Qaeda presence in Syria. Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State had a falling out, so there’s a four-way fight going on in Syria. These are the combatants, as far as everyone is admitting. The Kurds fight all Sunni jihadists. They and the non-jihadist groups should be the only people we…


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Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

When facing a life-threatening emergency, you call “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!” on the radio in the hopes that someone will hear and save you. May Day, on the other hand, was deemed International Workers’ Day by the Second International, the organization of socialist parties formed in Paris on July 14, 1889. Whenever I see May Day…


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Not conspiracy theories: mysteries

I’ve said before that I don’t believe in the classic conspiracy theories. None of them survive the Snowden Test. If there were giant secret operations being carried out by thousands of people, at least one of them would’ve provided irrefutable evidence by now. Edward Snowden doesn’t even have a high-school diploma, but he penetrated the…


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The explosion in Yemen

On April 20, 2014, an unidentified nation dropped a gigantic bomb on a military base next to the Faj Attan neighborhood of Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. News reports said that this was a Saudi air strike that hit a SCUD missile depot. Close study of the explosion indicates that this is not true. For…


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Signs. Or not.

Since my parents died in 2013, a lot of really bizarre stuff has happened to me. Being in such close proximity to death for such a long time changed my perceptions. At least, that’s what I tell myself. What I used to think was weirdness I now accept as perfectly natural. In fact I no…


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Armageddon averted by inches

Sit back, kids, and let your Grandpa Tom tell you about the time we skated to the very edge of Armageddon. It was during the Los Angeles riots of April 29 to May 4, 1992. The reason I’m telling you this is because of the current unrest in Baltimore, Maryland. Before that, it was Ferguson,…


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Now I understand how the IDF did it

What I couldn’t figure out about Operation Protective Edge was how the Israeli Defense Forces could so accurately target buildings, rocket launchers, and mortar positions. The IDF has Tzayad (Hebrew for “Hunter”), the Digital Army Program that allows commanders to see the battlefield in both virtual and actual form. Assets and enemies are assigned twelve-digit…


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No post, but an announcement

I don’t have a post tonight. My Website was hacked about five hundred times, and then I had to catch six almost newborn kittens and take them to the pound. I’m exhausted. But I have an announcement. First, a clarification. In “Withdraw, but don’t be upset,” I wrote the following. This is the secret about…


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Withdraw, but don’t be upset

Over the past several weeks, I’ve received many messages from people who are closing their Twitter and Facebook accounts due to the unending hate they face. I think that’s a reasonable reaction. What bothers me is that they think that they’re weak for opting out. I want to tell everyone who’s considering self-banishment from social…


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