Thomas Wictor

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Iran surrenders to Israel

I worried a few weeks ago that there would be a massively destructive regional war in the Middle East. However, I now believe that Israeli capabilities have averted that war. I think the Sunni Arab states of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates share those capabilities. The Middle East is a very complicated, confusing,…


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How social media benefits us

I have my problems with social media. A lot of completely insane people contact me and either make threats or waste my time. Today a man gave me a tremendous gift. He allowed me to see a face I’ve wondered about for forty years. I can’t begin to thank this man. When I was ten…


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It was a rocket-powered bunker buster

I should’ve joined the military. The reason I didn’t is that I’ve suffered from irregular heartbeat all my life, and I ruined my right arm in a fall from a tree in 1970. Then I ruined my left arm in high school in 1980. Also, until I was forty-five years old, I was a physical…


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Memento mori

A memento mori is a work of art that reminds the viewer that we all die. Over the past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about death, most likely because of the threats I get. The level of physical danger I face isn’t clear, but I live as though every second could be my…


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I hope Israel never gets afraid

On April 20, 2014—the birthday of Adolf Hitler—there was a gigantic explosion on a missile base near the Faj Attan neighborhood of Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. I was contacted by the Iranian and Arab press and asked if I would give interviews on what I think is a new weapon that the Israelis, Saudis,…


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No, there actually is a New Middle East

I saw a tweet that expresses disappointment. Don’t be disappointed: The New Middle East is a reality. It may take years for it to be divulged, but if you know where to look, you can already see it. Here’s the tweet. From the Jerusalem Post. Saudi Arabia cancels contract with company that flew airliner to…


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The Islamic State versus Hamas

On April 1, 2015, the Islamic State assaulted the Damascus suburb of Yarmouk in Syria. As is always the case with Palestinians, the press refuses to tell us the reality of the situation. The British newspaper the Guardian calls Yarmouk a Palestinian refugee camp, but in a later piece describes it as “a bustling southern…


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Saudi “airliner” lands in Israel to move furniture

I have no contact with any intelligence agencies. The FBI knows about me, but that’s only because of the death threats. Nobody has ever written to me or called me and said, “Hi! I work for the Mossad! How are you doing?” What I know about counterterrorism comes from open sources. That means I read…


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Yemen explosion explained?

In 2008 I read about a weapon that made me laugh hysterically. It seemed almost too grotesquely lethal to be real. But it’s not only real, a variant of the weapon may be what caused the massive Yemen explosion that I wrote about here and here. It was only today that I remembered this weapon….


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A serious question for Muslims

Here’s a serious question for Muslims. Before I ask it, I want to make clear that I don’t equate Islam with terrorism. However, I also don’t accept the notion that Islamic terrorists aren’t real Muslims. They are Muslims. There’s no mechanism for excommunication in Islam. A Muslim becomes an apostate for the following reasons. 1….


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