Thomas Wictor

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Someone sends a message to Iran

There’s some amazing video of a massive explosion next to the Faj Attan neighborhood of Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. We’ve been told that the target was a SCUD missile depot or a missile base. There’s a difference between the two: A missile depot is where you store the weapons, while a missile base is…


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Nazis complaining about Nazism

Prior to June of 2014, I had no contact with rabid Jew-haters. Now, they send me messages daily. One of their tropes is that Israel is the new Nazi Germany. They don’t actually believe that, of course, because the people making the accusation are all fans of Nazism. You can see it most clearly in…


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Female combatants in Gaza

During Operation Protective Edge, Palestinian terrorist groups used female combatants. They admit it themselves. Palestinian women fighters have been active since the second intifada in 2000, but their numbers have swelled since the most recent Israeli offensive. All of Gaza’s fighting groups have female units, but the most efficient is the Nasser Salahuddin Brigades unit…


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Death to memes

Back when I was trying to be an author, my fake publicists opened a Twitter account for me. The publishing industry is full of stories about authors selling a million copies of their books by using social media. I’d looked at Twitter before July of 2013—that’s when I hired the fake publicists—and decided it wasn’t…


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Put on your big-boy pants

A while back I wrote a post about virulent Jew-haters on Twitter. I titled it “The Church of the Poisoned Mind,” after the song by Culture Club. Well, now one of the people in the post is demanding that I take it down because it’s bad for his business. Social media has made people think…


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Yom HaShoah

Wednesday, April 15, 2105, is Yom HaShoah in Israel, “Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day.” The Israelis remember not only those who were murdered but also those who fought back. This is what happens at 10:00 a.m. Unlike a lot of people, I never had any trouble believing that the Holocaust happened. My mother went to…


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The torso on the beach theory

In my attempt to find out what happened to Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, I’ve taken many wrong turns. Yesterday someone sent me a link to NBC News footage that proves that I was wrong about a screen grab. However, the footage explains all the bizarre actions…


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A correction and more damning evidence

When I began writing about the Hamas deception operation set into motion on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, I told everyone that this is a work in progress. As I knew would happen, people get hung up on minutiae and miss the big picture. I’m going to make mistakes because that’s the nature of…


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Haaretz confirms Hamas deception operation

Today I was going to write a post about the journalists who witnessed the events on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. My contention is that the killing of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr was part of an elaborate Hamas deception operation designed to portray Israel as a nation of child-killers. Two days ago…


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A ruminative loop

Yesterday a journalist called and told me that I was correct about the murders of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr. The four boys were part of a deception operation that Hamas carried out against the Israeli Defense Forces on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014. The person told me that the foreign reporters who…


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