Thomas Wictor

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Journalist confirms Gaza beach deception operation

I just got off the phone with a journalist whose name you’d recognize. This person will remain anonymous. The journalist confirmed that the killing of Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr on the Gaza beach, July 16, 2014, was a Hamas deception operation. This is a person who is very angry at what happened and…


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Not even George Orwell thought of it

My mother CeeCee Lower Wictor was a rebel. Her rebellion took the form of quietly, politely, and very gently refusing to conform to society’s expectations of what a Mexican-American woman born in 1928 was supposed to be. She and I never got along—until the last three years of her life. Then I became her closest…


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An old post because I’m too tired

I’m too tired to write a new post. Today was lousy, full of ugliness and negativity. Tomorrow will be better. Recycled December 6, 2013, was an extremely unpleasant day. I’ll be glad to see the end of 2013. Annus horriblus. Tim and I have been saying for ages, “The next year cannot possibly be worse…


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Here’s why they don’t oppose ISIS

I wrote “ISIS” for reasons of search-engine optimization (SEO). The terrorist organization actually calls itself the Islamic State. Regardless of the name, most people don’t oppose this group. Today some Twitter users explained to me why: If they condemn ISIS, that will make it impossible for them to continue hating Christianity, the United States, and…


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You need better arguments

For some reason I’m suddenly getting lots of messages about my theory that Hamas murdered Ismail, Mohammed, Ahed, and Zakaria Bakr and used their corpses in an elaborate deception operation on July 16, 2014. You need much better arguments than this. Total incoherence. I can’t understand what was written. At least this next one makes…


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No, monotheism hasn’t killed the most people

When it comes to wholesale slaughter, monotheism—the belief in one God—can’t hold a candle to polytheism, paganism, atheism, nationalism, political ideologies, and commerce. Two Indians told me today that monotheism is responsible for the most deaths in human history. Not even close. First, we have to agree on the terms of the discussion. What they…


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Israel drops atomic bombs on Gaza!

Somebody asked me to look at a photo said to show Israeli air strikes on Gaza. The image is fake. Only atomic bombs could produce such explosions. Here’s the photo. This is a composite. You can always tell Palestinian fake-explosion photos because the fireballs and smoke towers appear precisely on the horizon. What they’re doing…


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I’ll take “bigotry” over authoritarianism

The US is wrestling with divisive social issues. As happens in representative democratic republics, the voters will decide where we go from here. If you support or oppose something, you have the duty to elect politicians who can convince enough of his or her colleagues to get on board. Since being informed is hard, many…


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Prayer is not the answer

Another day, another atrocity committed by Muslim terrorists. This time it was at Garissa University College in Kenya. Four al-Shabaab terrorists murdered 147 before they were themselves killed. Twitter is full of tweets urging us to pray for Kenya. Prayer isn’t the answer. A military campaign is the only thing that will stop such abominations….


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An interview with my proofreader

The proofreader of Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed LA Music Journalist is named Tom Pickel. He generously did the job for free. A professional would’ve charged me $2000 at least. Tom is a great proofreader; today he informed me that he’s also a very odd fellow, which is truly excellent. I’m a huge…


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