Thomas Wictor

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My worst nightmare come true

For most of my life I had nightmares of being in an airliner crash. These dreams stopped about ten years ago, even though I’m still terrified of flying. Paris Match has published a description of a cellphone video taken by a passenger on Germanwings Flight 9525, which the copilot deliberately crashed in the mountains near…


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The western press loves Muslim terrorists

The latest celebration of Islamic terrorism comes from the Washington Post. Titled “Arab Leaders Announce Joint Force to Intervene in Region’s Wars,” it’s a love note to the Houthis, the Iranian-backed militias that have overthrown the Yemeni government. It would be harder to find a more gushing and eyelash-fluttering glorification of Muslim terrorists. The Arab…


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An Interview with Kola Boof, one of my favorite writers

An interview with Kola Boof, a writer who dedicated her autobiography to the Atlantic Ocean. Tell me about Undefeated: A North African Writer’s Support for Israel. You said it’s very personal. What do you mean by that? This book is personal because of my lifelong desire to see the Arab Muslim empire lose control of…


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The concept of racism has lost all meaning

Words are supposed to have definitions. One way in which those with nefarious agendas control the steaming masses is by flinging accusations in all directions, hoping to cow dissenters into silence. For years now, there’s been racism behind every tree and under every rock. It took a Twitter user to drive home the point that…


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Why we can’t trust Palestinian casualty figures

This is my third straight day trying to write a post on Palestinian female combatants. I’m now going to put off the post until Sunday night or Monday. It’s simply not yet possible to paint a clear picture of what happened. To show you why we can’t trust Palestinian casualty figures and why I’m having…


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I’m still not ready to post

Tonight I wanted to post about Palestinian female combatants, but I’m still not ready. I’m comparing names from three lists; it’s shocking how easy it is to see that women engaged in combat, and then the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, the United Nations, and “human rights” groups covered it up. I’ll show you how a twenty-seven-year-old…


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They’ll never hit bottom

I spent the day preparing to write a post on Palestinian female combatants. Now I don’t have the energy. When you immerse yourself in a culture that will never hit bottom, it saps your will. I’ll write the post tomorrow. You’ll be sickened. As always, I have the evidence. Israelis, you need to demand that…


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The benefit of expecting the worst

In any given situation, I presume that catastrophe will befall me. It has, many times. But I’m still alive and still aspiring. One of the benefits of always expecting the worst is that you can never be destroyed by what happens to you. My imagination tops reality, time and again. I’ll give you an example…


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You’re making it hard for me to care about you

On March 20, 2015, the Islamic State used three suicide bombers to kill about 137 Shi’ite worshipers at their mosques in Sanaa, Yemen. Initially I was horrified. That sense of outrage has diminished somewhat. I want to tell my Muslim brothers and sisters that you’re making it hard for me to care about you. This…


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Flamethrowers! For Ellie

A post about flamethrowers dedicated to Ellie Kesselman, who brought my attention to this. It uses gasoline (petrol), and has a range of 26 feet (8 meters.) The flamethrower was first used by the Greeks in AD 673 to burn Muslim warships besieging Constantinople. This weapon consisted of a metal tube that sprayed what was…


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