Thomas Wictor

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The main difference between us and animals

There are lots of differences between us and animals. We humans wear clothes, even if it’s just a penis sheath. Almost every group of us has a written language. We manufacture conveyances that defy the laws of nature, just so we can hurry from Point A to Point B. Last night it hit me that…


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How does the US classify Iran and Hezbollah?

Forget what everybody has said about how the United States classifies Iran and Hezbollah. This post will explain everything. Firstly, the US lists Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. Secondly, the US lists Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization. So why do people believe that the United States no longer considers Iran and Hezbollah…


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The shoddy reporting on the Bardo Museum attack

If you believe most of what’s been written about the terrorist attack at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunisia, on March 18, 2015, you’ll think that the nation was caught completely off guard and left reeling helplessly. This is not true. Due to the knee-jerk reaction of western reporters to praise the capabilities of terrorists…


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Not all conspiracy theories are equal

Last night while I slept—having a wonderful dream about discovering a photo album full of priceless postcards of World War I flamethrowers—the word went out on Twitter to label me a conspiracy theorist. Saying that certain ideas are nothing but conspiracy theories allows the accuser to not address troubling notions. In this case the Twits…


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Hamas tries its hand at parody

Thanks to reader Pam, behold the Hamas parody video The Difference Between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli Occupation Army. This is actually Hamas satirically commenting on its own savage war-fighting methods. By pretending that they hold their fire in order to not injure children, Hamas is calling attention to the fact that they use…


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Never trust Wikipedia

Today several people asked me to look at a Danish video showing an aerial view of the destruction in Shijaiyah, a neighborhood of Gaza City. The footage is edited to make it seem as though the entire area was flattened, but the damage was actually confined to two small areas. Just for fun I looked…


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World War I soldiers versus the Islamic State

On Twitter a man claiming to be a member of the Islamic State tried to engage me. He said he was a combat veteran of fighting against the US and Israel. Literally everything he tweeted was factually incorrect, and he wrote in perfectly fluent, colloquial American English. I’m sure he’s a fake, but I blocked…


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The massacre that never was

Looking over some photos of two dead Palestinian twins led me on a search through Websites. The ones in English are fraudulent, while those in Arabic are honest. The al-Skafi family were not killed in an Israeli massacre. It’s another blood libel. We begin with Beyond the Number and its entry for Sa’ad Akram al-Skafi,…


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Ask Hamas

Currently there’s an “Ask Hamas” campaign on Twitter. If you don’t know how Twitter works, you’re not missing anything. Well, that’s not entirely true, so I’ll explain: You put a hashtag (#) in front of a subject, and all the tweets with that keyword are collected in one place. The terrorist organization’s hashtag is “#AskHamas.”…


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The soft bigotry of low expectations

One of the legacies of President George W. Bush is his quotability. He has a natural wit, and he hired great speech writers. The phrase that instantly and permanently entered my memory banks is from a speech that Bush gave to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP, pronounced “N-Double-A-C-P”) at their…


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