Thomas Wictor

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Not a gentleman’s war

A video of Iraqi helicopters attacking Islamic State vehicles reminded me of one of my favorite movie monologues, “Not a Gentleman’s War,” from the film The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. I’m not a fan of the film, just the monologue, which was delivered by Anton Walbrook. Here’s the backstory, as we entertainment hotshots…


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Had to temporarily retract the post. Sorry

I’ve had to temporarily retract the post I wrote last night. We’re all operating under too much stress, so there was a miscommunication. Keep in mind that I’m a former music journalist and failed novelist. I’m not cut out for this kind of work. The post will go up again in a few days. I…


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Saddam Hussein and the Palestinians

I supported what we in the US call Operation Iraqi Freedom (March 20, 2024 to December 18, 2023). The main reason I supported it was that Saddam Hussein was a state sponsor of international terrorism. Other nations sponsor terrorism, but Saddam was the only leader willing to use weapons of mass destruction on a large…


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The false choice Jew-haters always present

Just about every day, somebody tells me that if I support Israel, that means I support the murder of children. They’re giving me a false choice: I can either continue supporting the murder of children, or I can oppose Israel and rejoin the human race. Who taught these people how to argue? This is infantile….


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Nicholas Kristof, Hamas stenographer

The New York Times seems to have an exceptionally close relationship with Hamas. Tyler Hicks got to witness and photograph events closed to all other western journalists, and now Nicholas Kristof has written an opinion piece that would bring a smile to the face of the most hardened terrorist of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades….


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The world will not burn while Nero fiddles

“Necessity is the mother of invention.” A truer epigram was never coined. While the American Nero fiddles, the Middle East is gearing up to solving its problems. There will be no World War III; instead, the Sunni Arabs and Israelis will stabilize the region by force. Impotent, dumb, pompous, vain Secretaries of State with faces…


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A pandemic of Jew-hate

Today Pierre Rehov sent me the trailer for our documentary on Operation Protective Edge. Although it’s very, very good, it reminded me all over again that Jew-hate is a pandemic. In a rational world, Mr. Rehov and I wouldn’t have had to make this movie. Here I am in the trailer. I wish I could’ve…


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More fake atrocities from the Islamic State

Today I studied photos and video of two more fake atrocities committed by the Islamic State. It’s clear why they would fabricate the burning alive of Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot Lieutenant Moath Youssef al-Kasasbeh: They needed full control over him in order to make the recruiting film of a lifetime, the ghastly Healing the…


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A shockingly good movie about terrorism

I haven’t gone to a theater since 2002. The last time was when my brother Tim and I saw the Mel Gibson movie Signs, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Though the film was awful, the audience was unspeakable. Everybody talked at the tops of their voices—to each other, to the movie, and to people on…


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An offering to the gods of SEO

I’m so tired I can’t think. Brother Cat is driving me crazy with his neediness, nonstop meowing, and roller-coaster emotions. Other things are happening too. But to make the gods of SEO happy, I must post tonight. SEO is search-engine optimization. Back when I wanted to sell books, it was important to have high search-engine…


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